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Long time no see! I hope everyone has been doing well :)

I've been meaning to but have gotten preoccupied with other things, but I think it's finally time for editing of Youngblood and Bloodline!

I wrote this book yearssss ago and I've honestly been too afraid to go back and read it. I know there are countless of spelling errors and things that don't make sense which obviously isn't fun to read.

I'll keep a lot of chapters the same, but I'm thinking of adding some scenes in to make the story more enjoyable. By this, I mean a lot more Veronica & Klaus scenes.

Two things I know I didn't do the best on was their relationship & Veronica's powers. I definitely could've gotten more in depth with both of those things and through editing, I plan on doing just that!

Along with those two, I also should have explored the love triangle between Veronica, Klaus, and Stefan. I know I mentioned there would be one but it was barely there. That's another thing I'll be working on when editing; adding more scenes between Roni & Stefan and the three of them.

With that being said, things will definitely be different than before but hopefully it'll all make more sense in the end.

If you have anything in particular you wanna see, let me know! I know it's been awhile and I'm not sure how many people will interact, but I appreciate all feedback!!!!


6/17/22 UPDATE: this book is now edited and up to date! I will be starting on Bloodline soon x

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