SEVEN|graduation and goodbyes

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The Vampire Diaries


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"Remind me again why we're seeing a movie when I should be practicing walking across a stage." Veronica asked her younger sister.

"We had to get out of the house. This can be our three hour distraction from reality." Elena replied while spreading a blanket across the grass.

"Is that what we're doing? Pretending our lives aren't screwed?" Jeremy spoke up from beside Veronica.

"We need to do this, okay? Breathe, eat, sleep, wake up, and do it all over again until one day, it's just not as hard anymore." Elena replied with a sigh.

Once the blanket was flat on the ground, they all sat down. Not even seconds later, Caroline came walking over.

"Hey! There you guys are, who's hungry?" Caroline smiled, sitting next to Veronica and placing a basket of food in the middle of the blanket.

"Are we really doing this?" Jeremy groaned.

"Yes, we are really doing this. We are going to take a page from Scarlett. We made it through the war." The blonde said, "I know you guys went through hell, and my mom knows I am a vampire, so basically it's like Atlanta has burned. And yet, in spite of everything, we persevere."

"So it's settled, we're doing this." Veronica smiled, looking over at her brother.

"What are we eating?" Jeremy asked.

"Something good."

Nearly an hour into the movie, Stefan walked up to the group of four.

"Hey! Look who couldn't resist an epic romance." Elena teased her boyfriend.

"Will you come take a walk with me?" He asked, taking Elena's hand.

"She broke the rule." Veronica whispered to Caroline after Elena walked away.

The blonde quietly laughed, nodding her head.

"You know what, I have graduation tomorrow and feel like vomiting from nerves. I'll see you guys later." Veronica announced, standing up and walking away from Caroline and Jeremy.

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It had been a couple hours since Veronica arrived home. She wasn't sure what she was practicing for. All she had to do was walk on to a stage, receive a diploma, and walk off. It didn't sound difficult. She took a deep breath then took out a suitcase from her closet. After getting accepted into The University of New Orleans and with much persuasion and debate, she decided to commit there. She felt horrible leaving her two younger siblings, since she was now their legal guardian, but Alaric promised her that he would take care of them.

Inside her suitcase she packed as many clothes as she could fit. Since she was, unfortunately, driving, she could pack as many things as she wanted. The original plan was for Elena and Caroline to help her pack, but seeing as Elena was with Stefan and Caroline and Jeremy were watching a movie, she decided to do it herself. While she was zipping up her bag, she heard the front door open and close.

"Jeremy, is that you!" Veronica yelled from upstairs.

After receiving no reply, she walked downstairs and saw Alaric and Jeremy in the kitchen.

"Hey, where have you been? I really need help packing."

"Dead." Jeremy replied monotonously, then walked past her and upstairs.

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