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The Vampire Diaries


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Exiting the college campus, Veronica made her way towards her parked car as she planned to head home after a long day. Before she could even get inside her car, she started to become bombarded with millions of texts from Damon.

Figuring he wouldn't stop until she called him, the brunette started her car with a groan before dialing his number.

"What is so urgent that you needed to text me so many times?"

"Don't sound too excited. But we need you to come back to Mystic Falls."

"For the love of god, Damon. You're going to get me kicked out of school."

"Listen, if it wasn't important I wouldn't ask."

"Give me one good reason why I should." Veronica said, now driving on the road.

"Stefan and I are having a nice dinner with the original brothers. We need you to be there."

"Why can't you two just go? You're big boys."

"Because we have a theory that a certain hybrid is into you."

"You're kidding me, right?" Veronica laughed, but could practically hear Damon's eye roll on the other line. "Fine. But how am I going to get there tonight?"

"Good thing I can run fast. See you at home, big Gilbert!"

Veronica sighed, then pulled into a parking spot that was located outside of her apartment. The girl got out of her car and walked up the staircase and unlocked her front door.

Veronica decided it would be smart to pack a small bag, since she has no clue how long she would be needed there. By the time she was done, there were three knocks at the door. The brunette walked over and opened the door and was met by Damon Salvatore.

"Long time no see." Damon smirked, then tried to walk in but was stopped by the barrier.

"Wish it was longer." Veronica smiled then walked over to the couch, picked up her bag, and walked back over to the door. "Let's go."

"C'mon, you don't wanna let me in for some tea? I hear you're a great chef."

"Sorry, never know if you'll turn your humanity off and kill me someday." Veronica replied, then walked out of her apartment, locking the door behind her.

"Ever went vamp speeding before?" The raven haired vampire asked, but already knew the answer.

Before the brunette could make a witty comment, Damon already grabbed onto her arm and sped away. In what was really five minutes, Veronica thought it was five seconds. When they stopped in front of the Salvatore boarding house, the brunette's hair was now in a loose ponytail instead of a tight one, and her clothes were tight around her body.

"Let's go surprise Stefan." Damon said, acting like a child.

Veronica knew it was probably a bad idea, seeing as she's had no contact with him, but gave into Damon's childish attitude.

"Damon, what are you doing?" Veronica asked, setting her bag down onto the floor and looked over to Damon, who was currently roaming through Stefan's drawers.

"Shh, Stefan's coming, go hide or something." The vampire whispered, pushing the brunette behind the door.

"Get dressed. We're going out." Damon spoke to Stefan once he walked in.

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