TWO|sticky situation

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The Vampire Diaries

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To say Jeremy Gilbert was annoyed was an understatement.

Jenna had interrupted his video games, refusing to leave, until he told her where Elena and Veronica were. Their whereabouts, he had no clue, but he simply wanted his aunt to hurry out so he could continue playing.

Surveying the crowded hallway, he finally found the person he was going to take his impatience out on.

"Hey Jeremy." Stefan said, closing his locker.

"Look, Elena's got to let me know if I'm supposed to cover for her. Jenna's cool with the two of you but you guys are pushing it. And tell Caroline the same about Veronica once you see her."

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Elena. Look, I'm glad you guys are back together but if she's gonna sleepover..."

"No, hold on a minute. We're not back together." Stefan said, interrupting him.

"Wait, she didn't stay at your house last night?" Jeremy questioned, confusion clear on his face.

"No, I mean I saw her and Veronica at the party last night but that was it. Elena didn't sleepover."

"Their beds haven't been slept in and Mrs. Lockwood said that Roni's car was still in the driveway. Where are they then?"

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Veronica's eyes fluttered open. As she tried to lift her hand to rub her sleep out of her eyes, she felt a pain on her wrist.

Growing up, she had learned some self defense training from her father. In his words, Veronica had to be prepared to kick the ass of anyone who dared to come too close to his daughter. She thought he was being too overprotective and a tad bit dramatic, but nonetheless, she humored him and learned some moves whenever they were both free.

Thinking of the training she'd been taught, Veronica inhaled a deep breath before throwing herself backwards with as much strength as she could muster; the chair breaking as soon as it came in contact with the hard floor. Quickly untying herself, Veronica surveyed her surroundings. Noticing the matching situation her sister was in, the brunette hurried over.

As Veronica untied the ropes around Elena, footsteps were heard outside of the room. The only weapon around being part of the chair leg that tore off, Veronica clutched it desperately in her hand as the sisters awaited the arrival of their kidnapper.

"Who are you?" Elena questioned, her voice coming out quiet.

The man made a shushing noise, slowly sauntering over to where Elena was standing.

"Just a taste," He spoke, fangs coming out as his eyes zoned onto her neck.

"Trevor! Control yourself."

"Buzzkill," The man, whose name Veronica learned was Trevor, mumbled.

"What do you want with us?" Veronica asked, watching as Trevor left the room.

"Oh my god, you look just like her," The female said, crouching down to meet Elena's eyes.

"But I'm not. Please, whatever you-"

"Be quiet!"

As Elena went to open her mouth again, the woman's hand moved too fast for Veronica to process. Within seconds, Elena was on the floor, unconscious yet again.

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