SEVENTEEN|knocking on heavens door

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It had been two weeks since the death of Veronica Gilbert.

Two weeks since Matt's pickup truck went over the bridge and sunken in the water.

Two weeks since Elena Gilbert had become the one thing she never wanted to be.

Two weeks since Jeremy had lost yet another family member.

Two weeks since Caroline, Tyler, Matt, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon, Sophie, Marcel, Rebekah and Klaus had lost someone very important to them.

The group had decided to make Veronica's funeral private and not tell a soul about her death. They had hope she could be resurrected, but hope only lasts so long.

The family and friends gathered around a white casket in the forest, saying their goodbyes. Inside laid the girl, dressed in a short, white dress with her favorite moon necklace dangling around her neck. Her makeup and curled hair had been done by Caroline, just like Veronica would have requested.

Everyone went up individually to place a special memory inside of the casket. As Elena set down the matching sun and moon rings Veronica had gotten them as kids, she heard the crunching of leaves coming from behind her.

Turning around, she watched as Rebekah and Elijah joined the group. Perhaps it wouldn't have been bad, Elena might have brushed their presence off. But when noticing Klaus standing behind them, she bit her lip.

Elena knew that despite the accident Rebekah caused, they were still friends. It had seemed like the originals all took a liking to her, and Veronica a liking to them. It would be unfair to turn them away just because she hated them.

She gave the three a nod of acknowledgment before walking back to her spot beside Jeremy.

Rebekah walked over to the casket, shakily placing a small bouquet of irises on top of her body. She chose the flowers after recalling the girl humming Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls on many occasions.

Giving the girl one last look, Rebekah walked back and stood by Elijah and Klaus. The two Salvatore brothers walked forward and picked up the casket, placing it inside the Salvatore crypt. Veronica was taking residence inside their crypt until the group found a way to bring her back.

After Veronica was inside, the friends and family walked away, praying she was at peace. However, unbeknownst to them, Veronica was far from peace.

Ever since the brunette died, she'd been seeing everything. She spent her days following her sister or Caroline around, wondering what they were up to.

Once in a while she'd check up on the Mikaelsons. She would see Rebekah upset, blaming herself for the death of her new friend. The blonde never knew Veronica was inside; her only goal was to kill Elena as revenge for killing Klaus.

Veronica found herself watching Klaus on many occasions. She thought it was a bit ironic; she was wishing he would come back and when he did, she left. Some days, he'd paint up a storm while others, he'd visit her casket at night.

She noticed that small fact. He'd only ever visit her at night; and would actually talk to her. He described the constellations, the moon phase, and small space details that made her nonexistent heart beat wildly.

Sometimes Veronica would even reply to a question, but quickly remember they could not hear her.

The only thing the girl had left in her was hope. Hope that her friends would find a way to bring her back. 

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