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Veronica had been back in New Orleans for a month now.

She finally felt as though she were back into her old life. She attended her classes, hung out with friends, and got drunk on the weekends at bars Marcel would sneak her into.

Whenever she found time, Veronica would call her siblings and friends in Mystic Falls, but it was hard. She was busy, and they always seemed to be fighting some new obstacle thrown their way.

Klaus still hadn't made a move to contact her, so Veronica decided she should stop caring. If he obviously has nothing to say, then neither does she.

Besides, Veronica had been more than preoccupied lately. Seemingly catching a virus, she had been feeling under the weather for the past week. It was strange; sometimes she'd feel nauseous and throw up, and other times she felt dizzy. It would come and go, which confused her even more.

After telling Marcel about her symptoms, he offered some blood to help clear whatever it was up. Feeling nauseous from even thinking about drinking it, she had to decline. Nonetheless, he offered to bring by some sickness remedy items instead.

How he would know what would help was beyond the girl, but she could use all of the aid she could get.

When Marcel stopped by, he didn't bother knocking. Using one of the keys he had made, he unlocked the door and wandered in.

After searching each room and finding Veronica on the bathroom floor, emptying her breakfast into the toilet, he scrunched his nose in disgust and snuck out to the living room.

As he began pulling items out of the bag, the girl entered the room.

"I thought I told you to get rid of that key."

"I must not have heard you."

"You have vampire hearing," Veronica accused, placing her hands on her hips.

"See, it's so weird. I can't hear you right now."

Rolling her eyes, she began looking at the items he brought over.

"I had to search up what helps humans when they're sick, so I brought over a bunch of stuff."

Veronica's eyes fell over the ginger ale, snacks, popsicles, and a pregnancy test.

"What the hell, Marcel."

"What? I entered all of your symptoms and that's the first thing that came up."

"I'm not pregnant, you idiot."

He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not! I made sure every guy I slept with used protection."

"First off, I really don't need to hear about your sex life. And second, are you really sure? It doesn't hurt to take one anyways. If you're not, then that means you can rub it in my face."

Huffing, Veronica grabbed the box and returned to the bathroom. As she waited for the results, she couldn't help but let her mind wander.

She hadn't gotten her period last week, the girl recalled.

Chewing on her lip, Veronica felt herself becoming anxious. There was no way she could have a baby right now. She was nineteen and in college. Of course, she wanted kids in the future, but not any time soon. And besides, she had made sure every guy used a condom.

Well... except one.

When she looked down and saw the two pink lines, Veronica couldn't help the string of curses that left her lips. Gripping the test tightly in her hand, she practically sprinted outside of the bathroom.

When Marcel gave her a questioning look, she threw the test at him. Catching it in his hands, he looked down. Studying the screen, his eyes widened and his mouth fell open slightly.

"Shit, Veronica, I honestly bought them as a joke. I didn't actually think-"

"What am I going to do," She sniffed, sliding into the chair.

Marcel was quiet for a moment, "Do you know who the father is?"

Veronica bit her lip, "I think so..."

"What do you mean you think? Are there more than one possibilities?"

She shook her head, "No. I know it's him."

Marcel took in her expression, "I'm assuming it's some random guy, right? One from our nights out?"

"He's not a random guy," Veronica shook her head again, "I know him."

Somehow, her reaction made Marcel even more confused. It was as if she wanted the father to be anyone else but the person it was.

"Do you..." He trailed off, "Do you wanna be alone right now?"

"I don't think so."

He nodded, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and standing her up, walking them over to the couch. After deciding on a movie, Marcel got the girl a bowl of food, shooting her concerned looks every few minutes.

He knew she could get through this. Whatever Veronica decided, he knew she'd be okay. But, Marcel couldn't help but wonder about the man that knocked her up. Judging by her reaction, he knew she wasn't in love with him or anything.

What Marcel did know, however, was if he ever met the guy who did this, he'd kick his ass straight out of his city. 

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