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The Vampire Diaries


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"Hello?" Veronica spoke, clicking 'speaker' on the phone while she continued applying her makeup.

"Veronica, this is Elijah. I have some... news."

"May I ask how you got my number?" The brunette sighed, applying some lip gloss.

"That's beside the point. However, I wanted to inform you that your sister has been taken by my brother. I will be at the old witch house, I'm sure Bonnie has shown you it before. Meet me there." Elijah instructed, then hung up the phone.

Veronica didn't have time to process much after that. As soon as she heard the words "your sister has been taken" she started sliding her shoes on and grabbing her keys. She recalled the directions to the house because the day after Bonnie "died", she went to go visit her. It took her under five minutes to get there, seeing as she went over the speed limit. She was thankful no police were chasing her down.

Veronica quickly turned the car off and jogged over to Elijah, Alaric, and Stefan.

"Where is she?" The human asked, standing in front of the trio.

"We don't know. But we do know that the sacrifice is completed in stages as the full moon sets. First the werewolf is killed, then the vampire. Finally the doppelgänger. Once Elena dies, the curse will be broken. Klaus will become hybrid." Elijah explained.

"So when do we attack?" Alaric asked.

"Elena's death will activate his dormant werewolf side. He'll be vulnerable during the transformation. That's when Bonnie comes in."

"You promise Bonnie will survive this?" The brunette questioned.

"If she can deliver him to the brink of death, I'll finish the job myself."

As Stefan walked away to answer a phone call from Damon, Veronica took hold of Elijah's forearm and dragged him over to the side, far enough away so Alaric didn't hear them.

"Listen, at the end of the day I get he's your brother. But you promise you have everything under control? Why can't we just give him Katherine?"

"He already has Elena, it would be no use switching her out with Katherine. His death is the only way."

Veronica studied him for a moment, nodding before letting go of his arm and walking back to where Alaric and Stefan were standing.

"What did Damon want?" Veronica asked.

"You're not gonna like this." Stefan said, then looked over to Elijah.

Elijah narrowed his eyes, "What is it?"

"Klaus has Jenna. He's using her as the vampire."

"You're kidding me, right? Out of all the vampires that exist, he has to take one of the only remaining family members I have left? Oh my god." Veronica rambled, putting her hands to her face.

"Hey, listen. We'll get them back." Stefan spoke, taking Veronica's hands off of her face and holding them in his own.

Alaric looked at their hands, a theory he didn't dare wish to ponder appearing in his head.

"I'm going to go tell Jeremy. I'll be back." He announced, walking into the house.

A minute later, Bonnie came rushing out, "Why did he take Jenna?"

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