FIFTEEN|dances are cursed

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The Vampire Diaries


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Veronics was currently on break, so she decided it was best to visit her family and friends in Mystic Falls. Apparently, she arrived just in time for the 20's Decade Dance.

"Can you stop asking me to attend every dance the school has? I graduated, and it's creepy."

Jeremy snorted from his spot next to Veronica on the couch, a bowl of popcorn on his lap as he watched the movie.

Shooting him a glare, Elena looked over to Veronica.

"Fine. Then come as a chaperone. It'll be less creepy and you won't be cooped up in your room all night."

"She won't stop until you say yes," Jeremy mumbled.

Rolling her eyes, Veronica stole a handful of popcorn and reluctantly nodded.

Clearing her throat, Elena leaned back, "Besides, your best friend will probably be there."

Judging by the look on her sister's face, Veronica could guess who she was referring to.

"She's nice once you get to know her. Maybe if you hadn't stabbed her in the back, you'd know that."

Elena sighed in dismissal, focusing on the movie as Jeremy hid his smile behind his hand.

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Although she was only chaperoning, Veronica still wanted to dress up. She loved the 20's style, and fortunately for her, she knew some people who had some dresses from that time.

Knocking on the front door, Veronica fiddled with her rings as she waited. After a few seconds, the door opened and Klaus appeared.

Taken off guard, seeing as Rebekah said she'd be the only one home, Veronica's eyes widened.

The last time they saw each other was during the ball, where for the first time since they met, they seemed to have gotten along. But, after having no contact from then until now, Veronica wasn't sure where they stood. Not that she should care, he didn't owe her anything and she didn't owe him anything.

But naturally, she was quite curious.

"Rebekah texted me to come over, is she home?"

"She went to go meet up with that boy, Matt, but I'm sure she'll be back soon. Come in."

Veronica was about to insist she could come back later, but Klaus had already opened the door wider and gestured for her to enter.

Sending him a small smile, she walked through the entrance. Veronica didn't dare to look back as she heard the door close, especially not when she heard the lock click.

"Perhaps I could show you the boxes. That way, you don't have to stand like a frightened deer in my hallway until my sister returns."

Swallowing down an insult, Veronica nodded, "I'd appreciate that, thanks."

Klaus motioned for her to walk up the stairs first, and Veronica was about to, until she remembered she was wearing a dress. Klaus smirked at the glare that settled onto her face and the way the tips of her ears turned red in annoyance. Leading the way, Klaus brought her into a spare room with boxes littering the floor and dresses laid across the bed.

"Rebekah set everything up. Just pick whatever you enjoy."

Veronica looked at the different dresses and accessories, feeling too overwhelmed with all of the options to pick her favorites. Sensing she was getting stressed, Klaus stepped forward.

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