TWENTY ONE|goodbye?

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The Vampire Diaries


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Veronica sighed, dabbing the wet cloth onto Matt's neck.

"Sun's up. They're long gone," Jeremy announced from the couch.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Veronica said through gritted teeth, "Elena asked you to teach him to fight! You're so lucky she's not here right now."

"He's not the best student in the world," Damon mumbled.

Jeremy let out a loud scoff, "Wait, so this is my fault now?"

"Stop talking. Look, I know you're angry, but my way was the easiest, fastest, and safest way to complete his mark to get Elena the cure." Damon said.

"I doubt Elena would care about the cure if it meant putting the people she cared about in danger!"

"Hey, there would have been no danger if he hadn't gone all bleeding heart."

"Oh, shut up," Veronica spoke, rolling her eyes.

"The mark grew, didn't it?"

"Whatever, we need a plan. There's a group of compelled vampires out there, and as soon as the sun goes down, they're gonna come after Matt, so we have to find a way to protect him."

"Yes, I know." Damon said, walking over to Jeremy and putting his arm around his shoulders. "But there will be no problem when big Jer and I here go on a hunting expedition."

"Fine, but if my brother ends up dying, then I won't hesitate to stab a stake through your heart," Veronica hissed, taking Matt's wrist and walking him out the door alongside her.

"Glad to have you back!" Damon yelled as the duo stepped outside.

☄. *. ⋆

Once Veronica and Matt arrived at the Gilbert household, Elena immediately went over to Matt's aid.

"I'm so sorry, Matt. When I asked you to stay with Jeremy, I never wanted you to get hurt."

"What did you expect, Elena? It's Damon," Matt scoffed, sitting down at the table next to Veronica.

"I never wanted anyone to get hurt."

"Well, then you shouldn't have left him in charge," He sighed, "Look. I'm sorry. I know you didn't have a choice. Sire bond and all."

"Sire bond doesn't work like that."

"All I know, Elena, is that the old you would have never left Jeremy with Damon; especially after what happened last night."

Before Elena could reply, Veronica's phone started ringing.


"Veronica, we're in trouble." The boy nervously rambled on the other line.

"Whoa, slow down. Where's Damon?"

"Listen to me. Kol attacked us. I barely got away, but he has Damon." Jeremy said, but hung up before Veronica could answer.

"Kol has Damon?" Elena asked, widening her eyes.

"Kol is Klaus' brother and Klaus is..."

"Very interested in Veronica." Elena spoke, finishing Matt's sentence then looking up to her sister.

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