FOUR|the awakened original

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The Vampire Diaries


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Veronica sat inside of the dusty, grey cell.The only thing her mind would repeat was the previous nights' events. So, instead of dwelling, she was doodling on her arm in colored markers while she enjoyed the company of the man in front of her.

She snuck in early this morning, while Stefan and Elena were sleeping and Damon was, well, preoccupied.

Humming softly, she debated on coloring the dagger as the continued waiting, but was secretly worried it would mess up its abilities. Not wanting to be blamed for any future failed daggerings, she resisted and stuck to drawing on herself instead.

Perhaps it should have weirded her out that an unconscious, thousand year old vampire was at her feet; but it was weirdly comforting. She had only spoken to Elijah when he tried to take her and Elena, but even then, he seemed relatively nice. Veronica knew it was incredibly naive to think that, but why negatively judge someone you don't really know?

As she was in the process of drawing the outline of a frog, a startled gasp tore her attention away. Quickly sitting up and hiding the dagger in her pocket, she moved closer to the vampire.

"Elijah." Veronica spoke, smiling slightly.

"Katerina!" He yelled, startled by the girl in front of him.

Veronica was taken off guard by this statement. Perhaps it was just the hair, but otherwise, she looked nothing like Katherine.

"Elijah! It's me, Veronica."

"Oh, my god." Elijah said, now sitting against the hard wall with his eyes closed.

After a minute or so, he starts panting and breathing heavily.

"Elijah?" Veronica asked worriedly.

"I-I can't breathe! What's happening to me!" He yelled.

Trying to think of what was happening, Veronica's eyes widened in realization, "You haven't been invited in, you have to leave!"

When Elijah sped outside, Veronica quickly, yet as quietly as she could, made her way towards the front door.

"What happened?"

"Sh!" The brunette said, pointing to her ears. She hoped Elijah would understand what she was trying to say.

"I'll tell you, just not here. Can I trust you?" The girl whispered.

"Can I trust you?" He whispered back.

The brunette nodded, pulling the dagger out of her pocket and slowly handed it over to him. After seeing Elijah take the dagger and nod, that was enough clarification for Veronica.

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The brunette was driving while the original sat in the passenger's seat, feasting on a blood bag.

"You look better." She spoke, trying to make conversation.

"Where did you get the dagger?"

"Straight to the point, okay. Listen, I'll tell you everything you want to know. I just need us to work together, can I have your word?"

"Seeing as though you've never harmed me in such a drastic way before, I suppose you have my word." Elijah replied, causing Veronica to let a small smile brush on her face. It was soon wiped away when he opened his mouth to speak again, "I will take my word back, however, if you do not turn off this awful music."

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