THIRTEEN|New Orleans

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Veronica sat at the bar of Rousseau's, finishing up her homework while talking to Sophie.

As she began to explain the assignment she was working on, Sophie let out a small groan.

"You're the one who asked me to explain this!"

"No, it's not you. It's Marcel." Sophie said, nodding her head towards the man that had just sat at the other end of the bar.

"Vampire Marcel?"

"Yeah. It's because of him that witches can't do magic."

Veronica pursed her lips, looking at the man. She'd heard many things about him from the witches; how evil and cruel he was.

Unfortunately, Veronica learned that almost all of the evil beings were freakishly attractive.

Feeling a set of eyes on him, Marcel turned his head and met Veronica's gaze. Noticing she was with Sophie, he assumed she was feeding the girl all kinds of insults that were aimed towards him.

Liking a challenge, Marcel put on his best smile and got up, making his way towards the girls.

As soon as Sophie saw him approaching, she rolled her eyes and claimed she had tables to serve, leaving Veronica to deal with him.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing sitting alone?"

Veronica scrunched her nose, "I'm sorry, but I have a rule that I don't date vampires."

"Not a problem," Marcel shrugged, taking a seat next to her, "I always have room for more friends."

Sending him a small dismissive smile, Veronica turned her head down and continued working on her assignment. Only, the quiet lasted a few seconds when Marcel opened his mouth again.

"Aerodynamics, huh? I know a thing or two about that."

Raising an eyebrow, Veronica looked over to Marcel.

"What? I've studied plenty of things throughout my lifetime."

"Fine, if you really know that much, mind helping me out?"

Marcel grinned, standing up and taking her books off of the table and putting them in her bag.

"I probably have some old books back at my place, c'mon."

"Woah," Veronica shot him a look, "I just met you. What if you're taking me back to your place to kill me."

"Sorry to break it to you," Marcel took the bag from her hands and began walking to the door, "I'm more into blondes."

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"You know, for someone who I've only been told is a huge dick, you're somewhat decent."

Marcel laughed, "Thank you, I guess. You're somewhat decent too."

Feeling burned out from all of the work, Veronica slumped back onto the couch; Marcel following her actions.

"What's it like? Running the French Quarter?"

"Why do you ask? Planning to overthrow me anytime soon?"

Veronica nodded her head, "Oh yeah, the homework was just a distraction. I'm here to take you down."

He shook his head with a grin, "It's nice. I get to do whatever I want, and no one can tell me otherwise."

"Must get lonely sometimes. I'm sure people will try to use you."

"We met today and you're already starting to psychoanalyze me," Marcel raised an eyebrow.

"It's just an observation," Veronica said, her phone interrupting her before she had the chance to go on.

When reading the contact name, her lips curved up and she quickly excused herself to the other room.

"Hey, Rebekah."

"Where are you? I stopped by that awful grill and tried looking for you."

"I'm back in New Orleans. I feel quite honored, however, that Rebekah Mikaelson is looking for me."

"Well like I said before, you're the only person I can stand here."

"Speaking of Mystic Falls, how is-"

"Get out of my way, Kol. I'm on the phone."

"I just want to inform whoever this is that my sister is a strumpet!" Kol said into the phone, making Veronica laugh.

"Stop laughing, Veronica!"

"Sorry!" Veronica coughed, biting her lip to hold back her smile.

"Yes, Nik. I'm currently speaking to Veronica. Ugh, my brother wants to know if you got his letter. What letter?"

She sighed, "Yes, I got his letter."

Rebekah went off mumbling about how she didn't get a letter, much to Veronica's amusement.

"Hey, Bex. I'm over someone's place right now, can I call you back later?"

The blonde gasped, "Is it a special someone?"

Rolling her eyes, Veronica bid a quick farewell before walking back into the main room. Marcel was still on the couch, his eyes glued to the floor as his jaw clenched.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Hey, are you okay?"

Within a flash, Marcel sped up to her and pinned the girl to the wall.

"You never mentioned you knew the originals."

"Why would I," Veronica choked, trying not to focus on the way his arm was crushing her air supply.

"What is this? Some sort of game?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Are they after you or something?"

When Marcel refused to respond, Veronica kicked her foot forward, kneeing him in the shin.

"Let go of me, Marcel."

After a few seconds, Marcel finally backed off of the girl. Veronica slumped forward, hands going to her throat as she tried to catch her breath.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange that a human is friends with the original family? What do you have to offer them?"

"First of all, I only like two of them. Rebekah and Elijah have been nice to me, but Klaus killed my aunt and basically terrorized all of my friends," Veronica shot him a glare, "And second, I have a lot to offer, thank you very much."

"I'm sure they're drastically thankful for a girl that doodles on the side of her assignments and has colorful tattoos."

"At least I'm not old."

It was silent for a couple of seconds. Veronica didn't know how else to reply, and apparently, her first thought was to insult his age. Not the best idea seeing as he could kill her at any given moment, but she panicked.

"I don't think," Marcel furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't think anyone has ever insulted me for my age before."

Veronica shrugged her shoulders, "Well, you're kinda old. Get over it."

Marcel attempted to hide his growing grin, "Maybe it's time for you to take your leave."

She nodded in agreement, quickly packing up her bag and practically running to the door.


She turned her head, stopping at the entrance.

"Let's keep our friendship a secret, yeah?"

Veronica sent him a teasing wink, "What friendship?"

☄. *. ⋆

The girl was submerged in a bubble bath, the warm water calming her bones.

Veronica thought over the events that occurred today. Perhaps she should feel guilty for befriending the guy who refuses to allow her friends to perform magic. But, Sophie never told her why he banned it. There had to be a reason why.

Veronica almost groaned at the thought. She left Mystic Falls to get away from the supernatural drama and yet, she somehow found herself encountering it again. 

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