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The Vampire Diaries


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"Wait a minute," Veronica said, her mouth full of the pancakes she had just cooked, "You're telling me that Elijah is in some type of weird coma, your biological mom is dead, and Klaus is after you?"

"Yes, Veronica. I think that just about covers it." Elena smiled, picking up an apple and leaning over the counter.

"Why didn't you tell me? I should be the one protecting you from this strange world we're now living in."

"Because, I didn't wanna bother you with all of this stuff. This is your final year of high school! You should be focusing on where you wanna go to college and live your life. I'm okay with this whole 'I'm now living in a world where storytimes become real life', are you?"

The older girl rolled her eyes before standing up and saying, "Just so you know, I'm almost done with applications." Veronica grabbed her car keys from the counter, "Be out in five or I'm leaving without you!"

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Veronica, Elena, and Bonnie sat in the Salvatore house with a lawyer. After some discussion, they all thought it was best to make a safe house for Elena.

"Please sign here and here." The lawyer said, pointing to the papers.

"Okay." Elena spoke, signing her name.

"So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you?" Bonnie asked once the younger Gilbert finished signing.

"For now. As a sole owner, I'm the only one who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean."

"Her own personal safe house." Veronica smiled, which her sister returned.

"Wouldn't wanna clean it." Bonnie mumbled, making the girls laugh.

"Alright. This house now belongs to you." The lawyer stated, standing up from the seat. They all walked over to the front door.

"Thank you, Mr. Henry." Stefan said, nodding to the man. As he and Damon try to walk inside, they're stopped.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot!" Elena laughed, "Stefan, would you like to come in?"

"I would love to, thank you." He smiled, then went to her side.

"What are we, twelve?"

"One of us is." Veronica grinned, tilting her head.

"If I let you in, do you promise to obey the owner of this house?"

Damon pretended to think, then said, "No."

"Seriously, Damon. My way. You promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?"

"Yeah, Elena. Sure."

"Then please, come in." Elena smiled, and did a 'welcoming' gesture.

The raven haired vampire sarcastically smirked, walking into the house.

Veronica made her way into the living room and grabbed her and Elena's jackets before heading back over to the others.

"Thanks." Elena said, taking the jacket from her sister.

"Wait, where are you three going?" Stefan asked.

"To school?" Veronica said, picking up her bag.


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