TWENTY FOUR|a new beginning

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Veronica was sitting in class when she felt a wave of nausea wash over her. Ever since she found out she was pregnant, she'd been getting even more nauseous. It was as if the baby was taunting her. Knowing it was Klaus', that could have very well been the case.

After her school day was over, Veronica practically bolted to her car. As she was driving, she got a call from Elena.

She knew she had to tell her siblings at one point, but the problem was, she had no idea what she wanted to do. Veronica thought she was too young, and nowhere near prepared enough, to have a child. All of the money for college was already saved by her parents and after their death, she had just enough to last her a few years. But if you add a baby, things become more complicated.

Of course Veronica wanted to tell her siblings what was going on, but she felt as though she couldn't until she let Klaus know. The thing was, she dreaded contacting him. It had been weeks since their last encounter and he showed no sign of interest since.

Not being able to lie, Veronica declined the call with a sigh. They'd have to wait.

With the nausea coming back, Veronica was on the verge of getting pulled over for a ticket. As soon as she pulled up to her apartment, she scrambled into the bathroom and emptied all of the food she'd eaten that day.

Brushing her teeth, she looked down as she received another call. Only this time, it was from Sophie. Spitting out the toothpaste, Veronica hit answer.

"Hey, girl! You still coming out tonight?"

Squeezing her eyes shut, Veronica almost groaned. She and Sophie planned months ago to go out on one of her nights off, seeing as she was busy between working and spending time with the witches.

"You're gonna hate me..."

Sophie groaned loudly into the phone, "Veronica Gilbert! I'm already pregaming, and it's only one in the afternoon! I've been waiting weeks for this, please tell me you're dying or I will hate you."

"Physically, no. Mentally, yes. I'm sorry, Soph, I'm just not in the mood today. Besides, the thought of alcohol makes me want to throw up again."

"Are you still feeling sick?"

Yeah, sick. Sick and tired of carrying the baby of a man who can't be bothered, Veronica thought.

Scrunching her nose at her sudden dark thought, Veronica shook it off.

"Yeah. Again, I'm sorry. Maybe another night."

Sophie hummed in agreement and the two talked a bit more until they hung up. She felt bad lying to her, but Veronica wanted to be clear on everything before telling people she was pregnant. It was only logical.

Could Klaus even care for a baby? Hell, Veronica didn't think he even knew how to hold one.

One thing Veronica knew for sure, though, was Klaus definitely did not want a child. He enjoyed being the villain too much; enjoyed the thrill of traveling and killing. He just wasn't made to be a parent, and maybe that's a good thing.

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Veronica walked out of the coffee shop, the moon shining onto the streets of the French Quarter.

She had been craving a beignet since before she found out she was pregnant and thankfully, the shop was open late.

Too preoccupied with eating and walking, the girl failed to notice the witches that slowly began to surround her figure in the shadows.

Hearing footsteps, Veronica looked up and smiled at Jane-Anne.

"Hey, I've been craving these for the longest time. Have you tr-"

Before she could finish, Jane-Anne raised her hand and chanted a spell, knocking Veronica unconscious.

The group of witches gathered together and collected Veronica's body, quickly moving her to the cemetery where they perform their spells.

If only Veronica was aware that this night would be the start of everything. 

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