FOURTEEN|motel makeouts

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The Vampire Diaries


☄. *. ⋆

Veronica slung her arms around her friends, the group singing along to the music.

She was caught up in all of her classes and decided to go out with her newly made college friends. She thought it was nice; having a normal, human, group of friends.

As she was dancing, she felt a pair of hands settle on her shoulders. Veronica turned around, ready to tell the person off when she let out a sigh of relief.

Veronica smiled up at Marcel, which he gladly returned. She wasn't sure what he was doing there, but she didn't bother to ask. It was his city, he was everywhere.

The two had gotten closer since their first encounter. They'd get lunch after Veronica's class, or sometimes she'd go over to his apartment and cook for him and a few friends he had over.

It was a bit strange to her that she was surrounded by all of these vampires. In Mystic Falls, they were Elena's friends, and she knew they would never hurt her. But with Marcel's vampire, one command about not harming her was all it took for them to greet her with open arms. Sometimes, if she ran into any of them in the streets of the French Quarter, they'd share a smile and move on with their days. It was definitely weird, but Veronica could use all of the friends she could get.

As she danced with Marcel and her friends, Veronica felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Quickly telling her friends she'd be back, the girl slipped outside into the cool, New Orleans night.

"Hey, Jer!"

She heard him let out a sigh of relief, "Thanks for answering. I don't know how much longer I can deal with Elena and Damon."

Veronica laughed, "What happened to playing baseball with your new friend?"

"Not a new friend. Turns out, it was Kol Mikaelson."

"Kol?" Marcel mouthed, walking up beside Veronica.

Veronica rolled her eyes, putting the phone on speaker so Marcel didn't have to eavesdrop.

"Why was Kol pretending to be your friend?"

"I don't know, but Damon staked him and now we're at some hotel trying to contact Rose. It's a long story."

"Do you know where Kol is now?" Marcel questioned, the girl shooting him a glare.

"Roni, who was that?"

"I guess I have a long story too. But it doesn't matter, do you know?"

"Nope. I'm sitting in the motel room alone; I have no clue where they went," Jeremy paused a beat, "I wanted to go down to the vending machine, but it's creepy here."

"Did you call me just so you could talk to me while you walked down to the vending machine?"

Jeremy's silence was answer enough.

"I'll meet you back inside," Marcel whispered, turning to go back inside the building.

When Veronica heard shuffling, she assumed Jeremy was making his way towards the machine. They started talking, then a gasp cut her off.

"Jeremy?" A voice gasped.

"Is that Elena? Did you find her?"

"I found her alright," Jeremy mumbled, "Locking lips with Damon."

"What the hell?"

"I'll call you back, Roni. Love you."

Veronica stared down at her phone in disbelief. She knew how Damon felt for Elena, but wasn't her sister just fighting for Stefan? Even if they weren't together, she thought she still loved him.

Not wanting to deal with anyone from Mystic Falls right now, Veronica pocketed her phone and went back inside; the music and booze quickly allowing her to forget.

☄. *. ⋆

Veronica laughed, taking a sip of her drink. She was back at her apartment with a girl she met at the party a few hours ago; the two of them sitting on her couch.

Veronica had been having some, encounters, since moving to New Orleans. She liked to blame it on the thrill of moving to a new place and because of the overall vibe of the city, but when telling her best friend about all of the hookups, Evelyn simply said she was using her freedom to her benefit.

As close as the two were, Veronica never told her about the supernatural. It never threatened her, so she wanted to keep her as sheltered as possible. She did confide in Evelyn, though, by talking about how trapped and suffocated she felt.

After being introduced into the supernatural world, Veronica felt too overwhelmed. She lived eighteen years believing vampires and werewolves were fiction, and now, they were her reality.

As Veronica and the girl were moving closer together on the couch, her phone began ringing. Assuming it was Jeremy complaining again about seeing their sister kiss Damon, she ignored it. Only, when the constant buzzing refused to stop after two minutes, the girl sent her a small smile.

"I'm sure it's important, answer it. We can hang another time."

Kissing Veronica's cheek, the girl got up and left the apartment; leaving a very frustrated brunette.

Downing the rest of her drink, Veronica clicked answer without checking the caller ID; slumping back into the couch.

"Veronica?" A voice sniffled.

She furrowed her eyebrows, taking her phone away from her ear and checking the contact. When seeing it was Rebekah, she brought the phone back to her ear.

"Bex? Hey, what's wrong?"

"My mother. She died."

"What," Veronica breathed, squeezing her eyes shut.

She was way too far gone to be dealing with this in her right mind, but she wanted to give Rebekah the time to rant.

"It's weird, I don't know why I'm crying. Earlier, Matt dropped me off and I saw her. She told me she was dying because when Abby died, her connection was severed. She told me she was sorry," Rebekah hiccuped, "I think that was the worse part. Hearing that she was sorry."

"Rebekah," Veronica began, but was cut off.

"I wasn't calling for your pity. I just wanted someone besides my brothers to talk to. I'll be fine, I've dealt with death my whole life. I just don't know how to feel right now."

"And that's okay, you don't have to be strong. At the end of the day, Esther was your mother. I know I miss mine everyday, and I'd do anything to have her back."

Rebekah inhaled a sharp breath, "Thank you, Roni."

They talked for a couple more minutes before Rebekah realized Veronica was most likely intoxicated. Letting out a small laugh, she told the girl to rest and they'd talk soon.

With that, Rebekah felt a little bit lighter. Having someone, a friend, to be there for you was something she'd never experienced before.

And now that she had it, she was never letting it go. 

Short chapter :/ I wasn't sure what else I could add to make it more interesting. I deleted the original version where Veronica went with Damon, Elena, and Jeremy because I was tired of her always leaving!!!! Let this poor girl dance and not have to worry about who wants to kill her sister this time xx

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