EIGHTEEN|the other side

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The Vampire Diaries


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Veronica sat in a chair at the Mystic Grill, watching as Matt cleaned the table.

After being dead for a while, Veronica got used to observing. She learned more than she ever knew about people in town. She got to hear about who was having a baby, who was dropping out of high school, and more gossip. Her first thoughts were to text Caroline any juicy details she learned, then realized she was unable to.

Sometimes, for her own entertainment, she'd respond to people's conversations. She knew very well that they couldn't hear her, but it consoled her at times when she felt as though she were going crazy.

Out of the corner of her eye, Veronica watched as Rebekah walked up to the boy and held out a pair of keys.

"What's that?" Matt asked, gesturing to the keys.

"The key to your new truck. It's parked outside, paid for, insured, everything but a big red bow." Rebekah smiled.

"If that's your idea for an apology, you should probably give it to Veronica. Oh wait, you can't, because you killed her." Matt deadpanned, walking past the vampire to clean more tables.

"You're trying too hard." A male voice said, one that Veronica could very well recognize.

Turning her head, she stared as Klaus walked up to Rebekah.

She wished she were able to reach out and touch someone. Veronica had tried it before; during one of her nights with Klaus. Veronica was seated beside him on the ground, listening as he talked to her casket.

He wasn't saying anything emotional; only talking about all of the people that got on his nerves that day. Which, unsurprisingly, was a lot.

Veronica didn't know what made her reach out and place her hand over his. She thought he could feel her when he jumped a bit, but she knew he probably blamed it on the wind.

"Last I heard, you're leaving town forever." Rebekah narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well I was, but I couldn't exactly leave my sister when she's clearly so desperate for love and affection."

Rebekah tilted her head, "You couldn't leave me or Veronica?"

Klaus rolled his eyes, looking away.

"I know you cared about her, Nik. I did too. But she's gone. Now, what do you want? I thought I was dead to you."

He cleared his throat, "Things change, Rebekah. I've stumbled upon something I think might be of interest to you."

"Doubt that."

"No? Well, what if I told you the brotherhood of The Five still existed."

She clenched her jaw, "What?"

"You see, and like that, bygones. Come on love, work to do."

"We don't have anything to do. There is no we. I don't care about The Five and I don't care about you. The only work I will be doing is figuring out a way to bring Veronica back."

"As you wish." The hybrid sighed, then walked out of the grill.

Veronica frowned, "Oh, Rebekah."

Rebekah turned around, facing the table Veronica was sitting at. The girl held her breath, wondering if she could sense she was there.

"I swear someone called my name." Rebekah whispered to herself, then walked out of the Mystic Grill.

☄. *. ⋆

Veronica "broke" into Bonnie's house and decided to look through the witches' grimoires, seeking a way to communicate. The brunette prepared herself for failure, but smiled proudly once she found a page on how to speak with the deceased. Leaving the page on her bed, Veronica waited until Bonnie returned home.

Being gone for some time, Veronica practiced each day how to touch and place items. Her first try was a complete failure; the book passing straight through her hands. However, after much hard work and boredom, Veronica successfully learned how to control it.

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Veronica spent the next few hours rummaging through Bonnie's bedroom. She was definitely invading her privacy, but she was bored. Besides, if Bonnie asks, she can just play the dead card.

Finally, Bonnie walked into her room. She did a double take, looking at the page on her bed. Not remembering putting it there, she walked over and picked it up; her mouth dropping in realization.

Quickly setting everything up, Bonnie began chanting the spell. After a few seconds, it seemed to have worked.

"Roni?" Bonnie smiled in awe, a tear dripping down her cheek.

"It worked." Veronica laughed, then tried walking forward but was stopped by a circle of salt.

"Are you okay? We miss you so much." The witch said, walking over to the circle.

"Besides the fact that I'm dead, I'm all good."

The witch smiled but it soon went away. She opened her mouth hesitantly, as if she were scared to know the answer.

"Are you... at peace?'

Veronica smiled sadly, shaking her head.

"I may not be at peace, but being able to see that you're all okay is good enough for me."

Before Bonnie could reply, blood started trickling out of her nose.

"I can't hold you for much longer, but I promise I'll bring you back, okay?"

"I trust you. Tell Elena and Jeremy that I love them and tell Caroline I have drama for her when I get back." Veronica laughed.

The witch nodded, "I'll tell them. I'll do this again tomorrow and bring Elena."

Veronica smiled, then assumed the spell broke once Bonnie sighed and sat down on the bed. The girl walked out of the Bennett residence and headed to the town square, ready to repeat what she did everyday.

☄. *. ⋆

At night, when the people of Mystic Falls went to sleep, Veronica found herself always going back to where her body laid.

It was a bit morbid - sleeping next to her casket. But, Veronica found it oddly comforting.

Or, perhaps, it was the visit she got every night that made her feel better.

She sat on the window, looking up at the sky. She liked to pretend she wasn't waiting for his arrival every night, but she very well was.

As soon as she heard the footsteps, Veronica snapped her head over.

Klaus usually showed up empty handed, but tonight, he held a small box in his hands.

She watched as he walked over to her casket, opening the lid and staring down.

He rarely opened it, she recalled. Veronica studied him as he raised his free hand and lightly traced his fingers over her tattoo.

When she was alive, Veronica would always catch him looking down at it. She always assumed he thought it was silly and was judging her for it.

Tearing his hand away, he used it to open the top of the box. Veronica watched as he picked up a small crest.

"It's my family crest," Klaus said, placing it beside her body, "You've shown my family kindness when we least deserved it. When I least deserve it."

As if he couldn't bare to stay there any longer, he pocketed the box and quickly closed the lid, leaving the crypt in a flash.

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