TWENTY TWO|distractions

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Veronica's eyes fluttered open, her gaze setting on the window that was letting cool air breeze through the room.

She laid on her side, nuzzling her head further into the pillow. It had to have been the most relaxing sleep of her life, she never felt this refreshed before.

Feeling a heavy weight on her waist and stomach, she assumed she was hungry. When Veronica tried sitting up, she was unable to.

Blinking, she began to take in the space surrounding her. She didn't recognize the comforter, the paintings, or the piles of clothing on the floor. But, when she lifted the sheets and peaked underneath, Veronica definitely recognized the arm hugging onto her body.

Her eyes widening even more once she saw the lack of clothing, she quickly threw the sheets back down.

Veronica suddenly remembered what happened last night. Not only had she slept with Klaus, but she actually had a sleepover with him too.

As if sensing she was awake, Klaus squeezed her hip and sat up from his spot behind her, stretching his arms as he yawned awake. Rolling over, Veronica clutched the sheets to her chest as she stared at him with panicked eyes.

"Good morning, love," He said, his voice husky.

Ignoring the way her body seemed to very much like his morning voice, she swallowed and slowly sat up.

Klaus stared at her in amusement as she began rambling about her missed flight and how someone probably broke into her car and stole her things. When she refused to stop her talking, he gave her a small kiss on her shoulder and slipped out of bed, throwing on a pair of pants before speeding outside. Within seconds, he was back and had her suitcase in one hand and her backpack in his other.

"I'll reschedule your flight, Veronica. Go shower and get ready."

Motioning at him to turn around, he sighed before reluctantly facing the wall. Hearing shuffling, Klaus waited to peek until she was practically running into his bathroom.

Laughing softly to himself, he picked up his phone and began searching for flights. As he did, his eyes somehow flickered over to her backpack. There were countless pins attached; most about space, others silly jokes or things she liked. One, however, caught his attention.

It was his family's crest that he put in her casket one night. She seemed to have made it into a pin.

Tearing his eyes away, he brought his focus back and began to book her the earliest flight.

☄. *. ⋆

Veronica was hoping Klaus would save her some embarrassment and be gone when she returned to the bedroom, but alas, there he was.

Still dressed in only pants, Klaus was reading something on his phone when he heard the girl walk in. Looking up, his eyes traveled up and down her body - loving the way her leggings hugged her thighs and hips and how she limped a little when she walked.

Hiding his grin behind his hand, he bit his lip when she shot him an unamused look.

"Your flight is in a couple of hours, I can send you the information."

She nodded in appreciation, "Thanks. I can pay you back."

Klaus rolled his eyes, "No need, love."

The two sat in awkward silence for a straight minute. Clearing her throat, Veronica gathered her things.

"I should be going now. Thank you, again."

Not trusting his words, Klaus simply nodded in response.

He followed her to the front door, watching as she got in her car and drove off.

It's better not to contact the girl ever again, Klaus thought. He had finally gotten it out of his system last night, which is all he wanted in the first place.

There would be no need for their paths to ever cross again.

☄. *. ⋆

Veronica had been back in New Orleans for a couple of days. After getting caught up in her classes and hanging out with friends, she finally felt like she was back in her old groove.

Sitting at the bar of Rousseau's, Veronica listened as Sophie, Jane-Anne, and Camille caught her up on the latest gossip.

The three had agreed not to tell Cami about the supernatural world, not wanting to involve her. The information would only put her in harm's way, and Veronica happened to like her friends alive.

When Cami ran to the store on her break, Veronica quietly talked to the sisters about her experience while she was dead.

As she was talking, she felt a hand on the back of her stool. Spinning around, Veronica smiled up at her friend.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Where are you heading off to," Sophie raised an eyebrow.

"Marcel's sneaking me into a fancy bar. He's buying me plenty of 'welcome back to life' drinks."

Sophie and Jane-Anne were less than thrilled about Veronica's friendship with Marcel. After all, he was the reason none of them could do magic. But, at the end of the day, it seemed like Veronica was the only person Marcel treated right. And if he made her happy, who were they to control who she hung out with?

Biting her tongue, Sophie nodded and mumbled something about testing a new recipe, sauntering off into the kitchen. Jane-Anne sent Veronica a warm smile, watching as she returned it and eventually followed Marcel out of the restaurant.

☄. *. ⋆

Veronica and Marcel spent the night drinking and dancing, finally celebrating her return to the land of the living.

Veronica would like to say all of the distractions and busy work kept her mind off of Klaus, but she'd be lying. Hell, she even tried sleeping with some random guy from the bar, but nothing seemed to erase his memory.

It was even worse, she felt, because he hadn't reached out. Veronica talked to Rebekah and occasionally Elijah, but never heard anything from or about Klaus.

Maybe that was his plan all along, Veronica couldn't help but think. Maybe he just wanted to sleep with her - he never wanted to be friends in the first place.

Deciding tonight wasn't the night for thoughts of him to plague her mind, Veronica downed another shot and allowed Marcel to help pick her partner for the night. 

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