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Before I start this chapter, I was originally going to delete it and leave it out of editing, but decided to add a fun little scene. Enjoy Christmas x Steronica meeting (but does it really count if she's been compelled to forget 🤔)

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Veronica climbed up the ladder that led up to her attic. She coughed and waved her hand through the air, trying to get rid of some of the dust. While her parents were out picking up a tree, she was in charge of Christmas decorating. Of course her siblings would help, but Jeremy and Elena decided she should get the boxes since she was "the oldest".

"Just pass them down the ladder, V. It's not that hard." Jeremy shouted from the bottom, making the older girl roll her eyes.

"You try breathing in all this dust." Veronica groaned, then started to pass her brother the boxes.

Jeremy mumbled something to Elena about Veronica being the most dramatic out of the three, making her narrow her eyes. Finding an old beach ball, still somewhat blown up, she launched it down the hole full force. On top of getting hit off of the head, the dust that collected on the ball infiltrated Jeremy's nose.

Elena laughed, running away to her room so she wouldn't be next. Glaring at her retreating figure, Jeremy grumbled at Veronica to hurry up so they could be done.

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"Yes, mom, I got everything," Veronica promised for the fifth time, dropping the bags into the trunk of her car.

With one last piece of reassurance, she hung up the phone and moved to start her car. Groaning when it wouldn't work, she pushed open her door and looked around to ask for help.

It was late, and there were barely any cars in the parking lot. The only person she saw was a man who was entering his own vehicle. Hoping he wasn't a secret serial killer, Veronica waved her hands and called out to the man.

Stepping out of his red Porsche, the man made his way over.

As he walked, Veronica tried her hardest not to check him out. She'd seen many guys throughout her life, but none looked quite like him. And the icing on the cake? He looked about her age.

"Can I help you?"

Telling her mind to ignore the deepness of his voice and the muscles in his arms, that were very prominent under his jacket, she gave her best smile.

"My car wont start and you're the first person I saw. You wouldn't happen to know anything that might help?"

Studying her for a moment, he nodded. "Let me give it a look."

As the man did his checking, Veronica tried to give some small talk to help with the awkward atmosphere.

"I'm Veronica, by the way. I'm sure you're in a rush to get back home to your family, but I really appreciate the help."

"It's no problem, really. I'm Stefan."

She looked him up and down, studying his face extra hard, "Do you live around here? I swear I've never seen you before, and it's a pretty small town."

"I used to live here years ago; came back for a little bit. Might think about sticking around, though."

"You totally should! If you do, maybe I can show you some new spots around town."

Stefan closed the hood of the car, reaching through the opening of the car door and turning the key. When it turned on, he leaned back out and gave the girl a soft smile.

"You're a very beautiful girl, Veronica. And I'd love that a lot," Stefan said, a blush forming on Veronica's cheeks, "But, I'm afraid you're going to have to forget me."

As soon as she opened her mouth, he placed a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes, "Forget meeting me. You called someone to come and repair your car, and went home. You never saw me in this parking lot, and you don't recognize my red car."

Veronica blinked, and suddenly, she was alone. Looking around, she only saw her running car and the flickering of the parking lot's lights. Sitting inside her car in what felt like a trance, she supposed she had the cold to blame for the pink of her cheeks.

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After returning home and all the boxes full of decorations were scattered in the living room, they all got to decorating.

The Gilbert's loved to store memories. Most of the ornaments were pictures of them individually or as a family. Of course, there were some basic ornaments and a star.

"I think Jeremy should do the honors this year." Veronica smiled, stepping backwards to stand next to her sister.

She looked at the now decorated tree. It was lit up and gave off a fresh pine smell, which made the brunette smile.

"You know I don't do ladders." Jeremy spoke.

"Fine, then get on my shoulders." The older girl mocked, receiving laughs from everyone, including Jeremy.

"Whatever." He sighed, then climbed up the steps of the ladder.

The boy stuck the star on top of the tree, then carefully climbed down.

"It wasn't that hard, was it?" Miranda, the siblings mother, laughed.

The family backed away from the now lit up tree and stared at it in pure happiness.

"Merry Christmas guys." Veronica smiled, leaning her head on her younger sister's shoulder.

"Merry Christmas." The rest of the family hummed back.

While in their moments of appreciation, they failed to notice the darkness lurking from outside. In the streets, there stood Stefan Salvatore, staring into the window.

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