TEN|the dead man on the floor

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The Vampire Diaries


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"Come on, you'll miss me when I'm gone." Veronica smiled, throwing a piece of chocolate into her mouth while sitting on the countertop.

"Yes, Roni, I'll miss you eating all my food. Now get off my counter, it's going to scare away the customers." The witch, Sophie Deveraux, said, ushering her off.

The brunette poked her head out of the kitchen, which was located in Rousseau's, and noticed a cab outside.

"My ride's here. I'll hopefully be back soon, make sure to make me your special dish when I come back." Veronica spoke, grabbing her small luggage and pocketbook.

"Have fun with the supernatural!" Sophie whisper-yelled, not wanting any wandering ears to overhear.

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Once Veronica arrived in Mystic Falls, she quickly got her bags and hurried outside, getting into the nearest car. She gave the driver the address of the Salvatore house, where Elena instructed her to go once she landed.

During the previous night, Veronica was awoken by Elena's call. The sisters hadn't talked much since Veronica left, but when they did, Elena only said good things, which alarmed Veronica. The younger sister told her that they "needed her help" and "it was an emergency." Obviously being the overthinker Veronica is, she hopped on the earliest flight that was available. Once the driver pulled up to the door, she quickly handed him money and ran straight into the house, not bothering to knock. After hearing voices in the kitchen, she decided to go there first.

"You heard it here first folks, Veronica Gilbert is back in Mystic Falls and oh my god why is there a dead man on your floor!" The brunette said, raising the sound of her voice during the last part.

"Rebekah, who was that?" The voice from the phone asked.

"That was Veronica. I'll see you soon, Nik." Rebekah sighed, hanging up the phone and smiling at the girl.

"Took you long enough." Damon smirked, strolling up to the brunette and patting her shoulders before walking out of the kitchen, followed by Stefan.

"I've missed you!" Elena smiled, hugging her sister then followed Damon and Stefan out into the other room.

"The only two people I can tolerate in this town left me." Rebekah sighed, then walked up to Veronica, "I guess it's a good thing one of the two is back."

The brunette smiled, then gave the girl a quick hug. She hadn't known Rebekah for quite that long, but she couldn't help but want to be the original's friend. She seemed a tad bit lonely, but Veronica assumed that's what being daggered for years does to a person.

"Now, will you tell me why I was summoned here under an emergency, seeing as no one else will?" Veronica asked, sitting down across from the blonde at the table.

After Rebekah explained their plan and how the "dead man on the floor" was her father, she finally understood everything. After she finished explaining, Rebekah insisted that she told her about how New Orleans was. Halfway through her story about the wonders of college and the French quarter, a loud gasp made the two girls turn their heads.

"Finally, it took you long enough." Rebekahl said, rolling her eyes.

"Rebekah." The man spoke, his voice cracking.

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