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The Vampire Diaries


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Bonnie stood inside of the Salvatore Crypt. Taking a deep breath, she opened the top of the casket.

Although Bonnie had little faith in this spell - seeing as the others failed to resurrect Veronica - she decided there's no harm in trying another spell. After finishing the chant and seeing no change, Bonnie sighed then took her hands off either side of Veronica's face, closing the white casket.

Just as the witch was about to walk out, she heard small breaths, causing her to turn around and hurry over to the casket. She quickly took the top off again and saw Veronica's chest rising up and down. Bonnie's eyes began to water, her lips letting out a sigh of relief when Veronica's eyes began to flutter open.

"Roni?" Bonnie whispered.

"B-Bonnie?" Veronica croaked, her throat unbelievably dry.

"Oh my gosh, you're back. It worked!" The Bennett witch smiled, hugging her friend.

Once Bonnie let go, she helped the girl sit up and get out of the casket. Once Veronica's feet touched the ground, she brought Bonnie back in for another hug.

"Thank you, Bonnie."

Bonnie shook her head, "You don't have to thank me. I'm just sorry I couldn't bring you back sooner."

"Don't be. I saw you, you did everything you could."

The witch smiled, "Okay, who do you want to see first? I didn't tell anyone I was doing this just in case it didn't work; I didn't wanna give anyone's hopes up."

"Do you think it's possible to keep this a secret until later? I just came back to life and I'm really craving some onion rings." The brunette spoke, grinning at the end.

Bonnie nodded and laughed, "Yeah. You can stay at my house while I get you them. I'm going to hang out with Elena and Caroline tonight, do you wanna see them then?"

Veronica shook her head. "No, Elena needs one night to get drunk with her friends and forget about all of her problems. I'll see her tomorrow."

Bonnie nodded, looping her arms with Veronica's and walked them over to her car.

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After Bonnie left and Veronica finished eating, she decided to walk around town.

It was late - the town square was practically empty.

The time, however, came in handy for Rebekah.

When she saw a lone brunette walking, she thought it was the perfect opportunity to have a snack.

Speeding over, Rebekah held Veronica against the walls of an empty alleyway.

"You will not- oh my God." Rebekah gasped, jumping back from the girl as if she were on fire, "Veronica?"

"Long time no see, Rebekah."

Rebekah stared at the girl, not sure what Veronica was thinking. She didn't mean to harm her, but maybe the girl was angry over what happened. Hell, if she were in Veronica's position, Rebekah would be vengeful.

Seeing the hesitance in her eyes, Veronica shot her a small smile and opened her arms. Within a second, Rebekah pulled her in for a bone crushing hug.

"I can't believe you're alive. How is this possible?"

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