Old Memories (Maya Bishop)

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Y/N is digging through old boxes and finds a very amusing calendar.

"Mm," Y/N groans as she feels soft kisses being placed all over her face.

She opens her Y/E/C eyes and smiles lazily up at her wife, Maya Bishop. Maya's blonde hair is damp from her post-run shower. She is wearing some grey sweatpants and an old SFD shirt. 

"Hi there sleepy head. Up and at 'em," Maya grins.

"Not everyone one is a morning person, babe. I prefer to sleep in unlike you," Y/N yawns.

"I made chocolate chip and banana pancakes," Maya bargains. 

That gets Y/N up. She slips on a pair of slippers and the pair make their way to the kitchen. Sure enough, there are pancakes waiting on the kitchen island. Y/N digs in right away, getting chocolate all over her face like a small child would. Maya chuckles at this before digging into her own pancakes. 

"So I was thinking that since we both have the day off that we should go through those old boxes in the closet," Maya suggests.

"Sounds good to me. These are delicious, by the way," Y/N nods.

"Glad you like them, babe," Maya replies.

After finishing up, Y/N does the dishes as Maya begins lugging the old boxes into the living room so that they will have more space. Dishes done, Y/N grabs two trash bags, one for donations and one for trash, and then goes to help Maya with the boxes.

The first few are simply old books and magazines, most of which they put in the donate box. Maya has a kick when she finds some old baby photos of Y/N, which the blonde insists they keep despite Y/N's protests. 

"Your mother will kill you if you get rid of these. Plus, they're too cute. I mean, look at those checks," Maya coos, holding up one of the photos (a chunky, smiling baby in a Winnie the Pooh costume).

"Okay, okay, we get it. I was a large baby," Y/N sighs as she places the photo in Maya's hand back with the others. 

They continue to go through boxes. After opening one box, Y/N bursts out laughing. At the very top of the box is a old calendar featuring Maya posing in a red tank top, her turnout pants, and suspenders with a rainbow unicorn pool float behind her along with her helmet. 

"Dammit! I could have sworn I threw that away," Maya groans as she watches her wife's eyes light up.

"How have I not seen this before? This is the best thing ever," Y/N chuckles.

"Stop laughing at me! It was a fundraiser!" Maya complains.

The blonde tries to wrestle the calendar from Y/N. They end up on the floor. Maya has Y/N pinned. Y/N is still laughing.

"I have you pinned. Now, are you going to stop laughing at me?" Maya questions.

"Why don't you make me?" Y/N smirks.

Maya chucks the calendar aside, grins down at her wife, and proceeds to do just that.

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