Falling For My Captain Pt 2 (Maya Bishop)

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Y/N gets hurt during a call. Maya and Y/N's secret is revealed to the crew (minus Andy because Maya told her best friend of course). 

Y/N and Maya have been dating for six months when it happens. Y/N gets hurt during a call and Maya's world falls apart. There was a fire at an abandoned building and Maya sent Y/N and Andy inside to find the source while Vic and Jack looked for civilians trapped inside. Ben and Travis were tending to the two men living in the building. Everything went well until a beam fell and hit Y/N, knocking her out instantly. The team (No Sullivan 'cause I'm mad at him atm) was able to get Y/N out and put out the fire and Y/N was rushed to the hospital.

The crew now sits in the waiting room anxiously awaiting news. The damage to Y/N's abdomen was pretty bad so she is in surgery. Maya is trying not to panic but is failing. She knows she is in love with Y/N and now fears she won't get the chance to tell her. Only Andy knows about her and Y/N as Andy and Maya live together so hiding it was basically impossible. The blonde knows Andy won't tell anyone. Andy reaches over and grabs Maya's hand in support. She knows her best friend is beating herself up. It was Maya who chose to send Y/N in there. There was no way any of them could have known the building was unstable. Maya begins pacing, unable to sit still any longer.

"Hey. She's going to be okay. Y/L/N's too stubborn to go out like this," Vic states, attempting to soothe the anxious blonde.

"It's my fault. I sent her in there. I sent my own girlfriend in there and now the woman I love may die and she'll never know I love her," Maya rants.

"Wait, what? Girlfriend?" Travis asks.

"Shit," Maya curses.

"Hey, it's all good, Maya. As long as your happy" Travis shrugs.

"I was engaged to the chief. No judgment here," Vic shrugs. 

"Dude, how did I not know?" Jack questions.

"Because you're not observant. Unlike Hererra who probably had it figured out from day one. She's fluent in Bishop," Ben adds.

"Of course, I knew! I know Maya and she was being soft, which she only gets when she is seeing someone she really likes. I also live with her," Andy shrugs, "Now, when your girl wakes up you better tell her you love her, Maya, because I'm pretty dam sure she loves you too." 


After being in surgery for hours, Y/N is going to be alright. There was a lot of internal bleeding, a mild concussion, and a broken hip, but Dr.Hunt and the others patched Y/N right up. Now, Maya sits by her bedside, waiting for Y/N to wake up. She holds her hand in hers as she watches her sleep. Suddenly, Y/N stirs. She groans as her Y/E/C eyes open. 

"Mm," Y/N yawns, "What happened?"

"Hi, babe. A beam fell on you, but the team got you out. You had internal bleeding and your hip is broken along with a concussion. You're going to be fine, love," Maya explains tearfully.

"Shit, Maya Bishop is crying. You must really care about me, huh?" Y/N teases. 

"I love you, Y/N and I was so scared I was going to lose you without getting the chance to tell you, so I'm telling you now. I love you, Y/N Y/L/N," Maya replies.

"I'm right here, and I'll be okay," Y/N soothes, "And I love you too, by the way. Now come kiss me". 

Maya smiles at that. She leans over Y/N and kisses her softly, not wanting to hurt her. Nothing in the world matters right now except that Y/N is going to be alright. A familiar voice makes them break apart, however.

"Uh, please stop making out. Y'all are both like my sisters and it's really gross," Vic states.

That gets everyone laughing. As Y/N laughs with her girlfriend and their team, she smiles knowing that she has Maya in her life as well as their annoying, but loving teammates, who saved her life, after all. When she moved to Seattle, Y/N never expected to find love in her captain or a team as close-knit as Station 19, but she did, and for that, she thanks her lucky stars.

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