Powdered Sugar (Cazzie/Reader)

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Casey and Izzie met Y/N at college and the two began dating Y/N together. It's been almost a year of the three of them dating and lately, Y/N has wanted to tell her girlfriends that she loves them but is scared to do so. 

Sunlight streams in through the blinds. Quiet fills the small off-campus apartment that Izzie and Casey have shared since freshmen year. The quiet is soon broken by someone's groaning, however.

"Y/N," Casey groans, "You're hogging the covers."

"You're the one who insisted we only need one blanket." Y/N replies grogily. 

"Some of us are trying to sleep here," Izzie yawns, having been awoken by her girlfriends' bickering, "You were pretty insistent, Casey."

"Hey! Stop ganging up on me," Casey pouts, "I'm too cute to be ganged up on."

"Well, you are pretty cute. Especially the bedhead," Y/N teases, smirking at Casey, "Now, what should we do for breakfast?"


"This is so good, babe," Izzie complements as she digs into her french toast.

"Thanks, Iz. Casey, you have powdered sugar all over your face, you know?" Y/N replies.

"I meant to do that. I have a mustache now!" Casey informs her girlfriends.

"You're a goof," Izzie laughs, attempting to go after Casey with a napkin.

"Hey! Leave my mustache alone!" Casey protests.

Y/N can't help but tear up as she watches Izzie chase a mustached Casey around the apartment, napkin in hand. Y/N was alone for so long, having been raised by a distant relative after the death of her parents when she was a toddler, and then she met Casey and Izzie, who changed her world. 

Izzie manages to tackle Casey onto the sofa, the later squirming as Izzie wipes the mustache off her face. They both look over at Y/N, expecting to see her doubled over with laughter, but instead find her with tears streaming down her face. At this they both rush to her side, kneeling in front of their girlfriend, faces laced with concern.

"Hey, hey. Why are you crying? What's wrong?" Izzie frowns.

"I'm just so happy and I love you both so much," Y/N sobs.

"And you say I'm the cheesy one," Casey tells Izzie, "We love you two, Y/N."

"Yeah?" Y/N questions, hiccuping.

"Yeah. Now, let's leave these dishes for later and go cuddle," Izze replies, pecking Y/N's lips.

They all head into the bedroom and pile onto the king sized bed. Y/N lays in the middle, both Izzie and Casey cuddled into her sides. A grin spreads across Y/N's face as she notices something. Izzie doesn't know what Y/N is smiling about until she looks down at Casey and starts smiling as well.

"Hey Casey?" Y/N asks.

"Yeah, babe?" Casey replies.

"You still have powdered sugar on your face" 

"....Shut up." 

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