Pushed You Away (Shoni/Reader)

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Shoni and Y/N have been dating for nearly two years. As the anniversary of the island approaches, Toni and Shelby begin to distance themselves from Y/N without realizing it. Hurt and confused, Y/N turns to her friend and captain, Maya Bishop, for help.

Starts affecting her work Maya sees it and pulls her into office  and reader breaks a down

"Hey. What's up with you, Y/N? I'm not just your captain, I'm your friend. You're clearly not ok right now," Maya sighs.

At these words Y/N bursts into tears. Maya passes her some tissues and just lets her cry. She knows Y/N just needs to let it out.

"I think Toni and Shelby are going to leave me. They've been pulling away and I don't know what I did wrong. I know I work a lot but I make sure to spend lots of time with them on my days off. I'm so scared Maya," Y/N confesses.

"Oh Y/N/N. You don't know that. I'm sure there's something else going on. They love you, ok?" Maya soothes. 

"They won't even talk to me," Y/N sobs.

"Ok. I'm going to send you home so you can talk to them, ok? " Maya replies, "It's going to be ok."

Y/N nods miserably. She grabs her things and changes into some grey sweats and a t-shirt before heading home.


Y/N ends up taking a nap on the sofa. When she wakes up, it is late afternoon. She hears keys scraping the door. Shelby walks in and pauses as sees Y/N. The blonde knows Y/N is supposed to be at work so she is surprised to see her on the couch. 

"Hey. Are you ok? You're supposed to be at work today," Shelby frowns, kicking off her shoes and locking the apartment door behind her.

"Maya sent me home. She said I need to talk to you and Toni, but I don't know why I should even bother," Y/N explains.

"About what? Y/N, don't push me and Toni away," Shelby sighs.

"Push you away? That's hilarious considering what you and Toni have been doing to me," Y/N frowns.

"What do you mean, Y/N?" Shelby questions. 

"Pushing me out. God, Shelby. I feel so fucking isolated. Like it's you two against the world and I'm just here. So yeah, I think I've earned the right to push you away if you're just going to leave me," Y/N scoffs.

"What? Y/N/N, I'm sorry. I had no idea we were doing that to you. We love you and aren't going to leave you. How about we order dinner and talk when Toni gets home? Please, baby. I want to fix this. I love you and I know we can fix this," Shelby asks.

"Ok," Y/N sighs. She wants things to work out. She loves her girlfriends so much. Y/N is just confused and hurt as to why they have been pulling away from her emotionally. 


Toni knows something is up when she enters the apartment and Y/N immediately bursts into tears. Frowning, Toni kneels in front of Y/N. The brunette can't figure out why Y/N is crying like this. She looks at Shelby who has come in from the kitchen. The blonde has realized after checking the calendar why she and Toni have been unconsciously pushing their girlfriend away.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong, Y/N/N?" Toni questions.

"I don't want you guys to leave me," Y/N sobs. 

"Honey, we would never leave you. What brought this on?" Toni questions, "Shelby?"  

"The island. Toni, it's the anniversary of when we finally got off the island on Friday. I guess we've been pushing Y/N away subconsciously and I just realized it now when I looked at the calendar," Shelby sighs, "I'm so sorry, Y/N. We didn't mean to push you away".

"Y/N, we will never leave you. I love you so much, baby. You know I've been pushing you away and I'm sorry it's been hurting you," Toni states.

"I forgive you. I get that the island stuff is hard to cope with sometimes. Can we cuddle now?" Y/N sniffles.

"Yeah, we can cuddle. Pizza will be here in a bit but we can cuddle until then," Toni agrees, "Now scooch".

Y/N laughs and scotches over. Shelby and Toni cuddle her until the pizza comes. Bellies full of pizza, they quickly fall asleep, safe and sound in each other's arms. 

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