Fucking Awesome (Clexa/Reader)

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College AU: Y/N comes home from the bar with a black eye and busted lip. Her girlfriends are not pleased. 

Clarke and Lexa are curled up on the couch watching a movie. Their girlfriend, Y/N, is off with their roommate, Raven, at a bar. Raven, Clarke, Lexa, and Y/N share an apartment off campus and have been living together since sophomore year. 

Soon, the door swings open to reveal Y/N and Raven. Clarke's heart drops as she sees Y/N. Y/N has a black eye forming and a busted lip. She grins sheepishly at Clarke and Lexa, knowing her girls will not be pleased that she got into a bar fight.

"Some guy wouldn't leave Raven alone, so I punched him" Y/N offers as an explanation, closing and locking the door behind her. 

"It was fucking awesome," Raven grins.

"Fucking awesome. Sure, Raven. My girlfriend getting a black eye and a busted lip is fucking awesome," Clarke sighs as she goes to grab the first aid kit. 

"Y/N/N, please sit down," Lexa begs as she guides Y/N into a chair, frowning.

"Lex, I'm fine, babe. I'm just going to take some Advil and go to bed," Y/N protests.

"No. You are going to sit there while I patch you up and then you will go to bed," Clarke states, returning with the first aid kit.

"Oh shit. She's in doctor mode," Raven jokes.

This earns her a glare from Clarke. Clarke kneels in front of Y/N and begins to check her out. Y/N hisses as the blonde disinfects the cut under her eye. 

"Lex, can you go get an ice pack?" Clarke asks.

"Of course," Lexa nods.

"I got it!" Y/N states and tries to get up.

"Oh no, you don't. Sit and stay or I won't cuddle you later," Lexa instructs, raising an eyebrow at Y/N, who sits right back down.

"Welp, I'm going to go to bed. Have fun with your angry girlfriends, Y/N/N," Raven chuckles. This earns her a middle finger from Y/N.

Lexa comes back with the ice pack and places it on Y/N's eye. Y/N pouts at her. The brunette sighs and places a kiss on Y/N's forehead. She and Clarke aren't really mad at Y/N. The fight was for a good reason, after all. They just don't like seeing their girlfriend all beat up. After patching Y/N up, Clarke puts everything away.

"Can we go to bed now?" Y/N yawns.

"Yes, we can go to bed now. You know we love you, right?" Clarke asks, "We just don't like seeing you hurt".

"I know. I love you too," Y/N replies.

The three head to their room. They change into pajamas and brush their teeth before turning in for the night. Y/N lays in the middle, snuggled between Lexa and Clarke. She is soon asleep, snoring lightly. 

"Good night Lex. I love you," Clarke whispers.

"I love you too, Clarkey," Lexa yawns.

Soon, the pair pass out as well, content that Y/N is snuggled between them, safe and sound in their arms.

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