An Unexpected Unsub (JemilyxReader)

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Emily and J.J discover that Y/N's ex is not only their unsub, but was abusive. TW: mentions of  past physical abuse

"Have either of you seen my shoes?" Y/N calls to her girlfriends, Jennifer and Emily. 

The three are getting ready to head into work. All are agents with the FBI and work at the Behavioral Analysis Unit. They stayed up late watching a movie last night and thus slept in a bit.

"Under the bed, babe," Emily replies as she puts in her small silver earrings. Sure enough, Y/N finds her black flats under the king size bed. 

"You two are going to make us late! Em, you're the chief! The chief can't be late! Get in the car," J.J scolds from the door to the room.

"Coming, mom," Emily teases. She and Y/N grab their bags and then the three women are off to the BAU.


"We have three women dead. All in their twenties, all patrons of a local gay bar, found several weeks apart in the same park. The D.C police department is worried they have a serial killer on their hands and wants us to take a look," Penelope explains once everyone is seated at the conference table.

"I for one am looking forward to not having to fly anywhere. The time change always messes with me," Rossi states.

"On that note, let's not keep the police waiting. Let's go," Emily orders.

They all head to the police station. Everyone does the usual things, talking to the family, asking for witnesses, checking the crime scene/body, etc. J.J goes with Y/N to the bar the victims all visited. The blonde frowns as she notices Y/N go stiff as they enter the bar.

"You okay, Y/N?" J.J asks, worried about her girlfriend.

"Fine," Y/N nods.

J.J knows Y/N isn't fine, but decides to talk to her later once they are in private. The pair scope out the bar, talking to few patrons that are there in the middle of the day. One saw a woman with blonde hair, brown eyes, and a distinctive tattoo of a hibiscus flower on her right arm with the victim about an hour before the murder. 


The moment Y/N, Emily, and J.J get back to their apartment for the night, Y/N locks herself in the bathroom. Emily and J.J's stomachs drop. Y/N rarely shuts them out like this, both mentally and physically. Something is really wrong. 

"Y/N/N? It's Em. Please let me in, love," Emily begs, softly knocking on the door.

"No," Y/N whimpers.

"Please, baby?" J.J tries, "We love you. Don't shut us out."

They are met with silence. A few moments later, the lock clicks open and Emily opens the door. J.J and Emily manage to coax Y/N out of the bathroom and onto the bed. 

"Do you want to tell us what's going on?" J.J questions softly.

"I know who the unsub is. My ex... She isn't a good person and honestly I'm not surprised she's done this," Y/N admits shakily, "She would get so angry sometimes..."

"Did she hit you, Y/N/N?" Emily asks, trying to remain calm.

"Yes..." Y/N replies.

"Oh baby... Here's what we're going to do. You're going to text Garcie her name, and then I will go help the team find her while J.J stays here with you. Okay?" Emily states.

Y/N nods at this. She texts Garcia the name. Emily kisses her girls' foreheads before leaving to go catch the bitch that hurt her girlfriend and has been killing women. J.J runs Y/N a bath and they both change into pajamas. As she falls asleep in J.J's arms, Y/N knows that everything is going to be alright and thanks her lucky stars that she has J.J and Emily by her side.

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