Directions Are Just Suggestions (Sara Lance)

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Y/N has a habit of not following directions, which leads to chaotic results. 

"Sara! Your girlfriend nearly blew up the oven!" Zari calls from the kitchen table where she is drinking some tea.

"Y/N! What did I say about your 'directions are just suggestions theory?" Sara sighs, entering the kitchen.

She finds her girlfriend removing a very charred chocolate cake from the oven. Smoke is everywhere and the fire alarm is beeping. Sara sighs, turning off the fire alarm. She flips on the air vents. Y/N places the cake into the sink and runs water over it before turning to face her girlfriend, smiling sheepishly.

"Hi babe," Y/N greets, "I made you a cake. Err, well, I tried to make you a cake".

"Oh Y/N. You know I love you, babe, but please follow the instructions next time," Sara sighs. 

"I will try," Y/N agrees, kissing Sara softly before beginning to clean up her mess.


A few weeks later, Spooner is walking down the hallway to the library when Y/N flies past her.

"Directions are just suggestions!" Y/N screams as she runs by.

Frowning, Spooner enters the library to find a five-foot robot creature wandering around, pulling books off the shelves. It's a mess already, with books and papers flying everywhere. The robot turns and appears to scan Spooner. Suddenly, it starts emitting a horrible high pitch noise, screaming "intruder alert". 

This loud noise attracts Sara's attention. She sighs when she comes into the library. The blonde knows just who is behind this: Y/N. Sara manages to kick the robot's head off, which silences it. She sighs as she looks at the mess around her. 

"Your girlfriend's insane," Spooner comments.

"No, she's not. She just needs to learn to follow instructions," Sara replies. 

"Never thought I'd hear you, of all people, say that," Spooner shrugs before leaving, not wanting to be there when Sara finds Y/N and makes her clean up the mess that is the library.


Y/N finally learns to follow directions when she somehow manages to screw up a stomp rocket. Sara thought it would be a fun date night idea as it was already set up and all you had to do was press a button, but she underestimated her girlfriend's ability to not follow directions. The rocket goes straight up and hits Y/N right in the eye. Y/N groans and clutches at her face.

"It did say not to aim it at anyone," Sara sighs.

"I know," Y/N groans, "Directions are NOT just suggestions," 

"Glad you finally learned that," Sara chuckles, "Let's get you back to the Waverider".

That night, Y/N falls asleep in Sara's arms sporting a black eye. The blonde watches her sleep for a few moments, a soft smile on her face, before falling asleep as well, glad her girlfriend has finally learned that directions are there for a reason.

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