Scrambled Eggs and Toast (Carina Deluca)

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Criminal Minds crossover: Y/N comes home after a week away working a case (BAU Agent) beaten up.

Carina is up late watching a movie as she has the day off tomorrow. She is quite happy about this because her fiance, Y/N, is suppose to return from her work trip tonight and is taking the day off tomorrow to spend it with Carina.

A grin spreads across the Italian's face as she hears keys in the lock. The door swings open to reveal Y/N. Carina's grin drops. Y/N has a black eye and several cuts on her face as well as some fresh stitches on her arm. She smiles softly at Carina.

"Hey, babe. I'm home," Y/N greets as she locks the door behind her, placing her go-bag on the floor.

"Bambina, what happened to your beautiful face?" Carina questions, getting up from the couch and cupping Y/N's face gently in her hands.

"Got into it with the unsub. I won, obviously. The EMTs checked me out. I'm okay, love. Just a few stitches on my arm," Y/N soothes, "I'm going to take a shower and then can we head to bed? I'm exhausted,"

"Of course, Y/N/N. Go shower and I'll make you something to eat," Carina nods.

Y/N heads to the bathroom. While her fiance is showering, Carina quickly whips up some scrambled eggs and toast: a very simple, yet filling meal. The meal is sitting on the table when Y/N comes out of the shower, her Y/H/C hair damp. She is dressed in one of Carina's hoodies and some grey sweatpants.

"Thanks babe. This really hits the spot," Y/N grins as she digs into her dinner.

"Your welcome, Y/N. Eat up," Carina replies, placing a kiss on Y/N's head.

Once Y/N finished, they head to bed/brush their teeth, leaving the dishes on the table. Carina normally refuses to leave any dirty dishes after meals, but tonight, she could care less about them. All she cares about is holding Y/N in her arms.

Carina gets the lights as Y/N crawls into bed. The Italian soon joins her, wrapping the BAU agent in her arms. Y/N's soft snores soon fill the room. Carina smiles softly at Y/N before drifting off as well, thankful that Y/N made it back okay and is safe and sound in her arms.

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