Meeting The Gang (Raven Reyes)

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Modern-day AU: Raven and her new girlfriend, Y/N, go to a remote cabin with Raven's friends. Y/N is nervous as it will be the first time she's met Raven's friends.

"Y/N, babe. Relax. You're shaking the entire car," Raven states as she parks the car.

Y/N, and her girlfriend of a few months, Y/N, are meeting Raven's friends at a cabin for a getaway. Lexa and Anya's family own the place, so it was a last-minute trip. Y/N has never met Raven's friends before, so she is pretty nervous.

"Sorry. I'm just nervous," Y/N replies.

"No need to be. I like you, so my friends will like you, or I will fight them," Raven assures Y/N. 

This makes Y/N chuckle at her girlfriend's silliness. Raven leans over and kisses Y/N lovingly, hoping to distract her from her worries. Y/N tangles her finger through Raven's hair. Suddenly, they hear a rap on the window. They break apart and see Lexa and Clarke standing outside the car. Raven rolls down the window, grinning at her friends.

"Are you going to just sit here making out or come inside?" Lexa questions.

"Lexa, be nice. Hi. You must be Y/N. I'm Clarke," Clarke states, smiling at Y/N, "And this is my girlfriend, Lexa".

"Hi," Y/N replies.

"Come on, babe. Let's go inside. It's cold," Raven says.

They all head inside, leaving the luggage to be dealt with later. Kicking her boots off, Y/N glances around the living room. It's nice and cozy with lots of room for everyone to sit. A fire is already crackling in the fireplace, warming up the cabin.

"Hey everyone. This is my girlfriend, Y/N. Be nice to her or I will fight you. Y/N/N, this is Octavia, Bellamy, Anya, Echo, and Lincoln," Raven introduces.

Everyone says hi and they all settle around the fire. It's very clear who the couples are: Clarke cuddles into Lexa's side, a soft smile spreading across the brunette's face: Octavia has her head on Lincoln's shoulder: Echo is curled up in Anya's lap. Bellamy is the lone man out, but he doesn't seem to mind as he relaxes on the couch with his cup of tea. 

"So, truth or dare anyone?" Bellamy questions. 

"Fuck yeah," Raven agrees, "Babe?"

"Sure," Y/N nods.

Everyone else agrees so they gather in a circle. Anya grabs a bottle of vodka to add to the fun. The rules are if you refuse a dare or truth, you drink from the bottle. A random number generator decides who goes first: Clarke.

"Y/N, truth or dare?" Clarke asks.

"Truth," Y/N decides, leaning backward and pulling Raven into her body. The raven-haired woman smiles at this.

"How did you and Raven first meet?" Clarke questions.

"I called for an air vent repair person and this one showed up. I babysit my neighbor's toddler and the kid thought pouring his juice into the air vent was a great idea," Y/N smiles, pecking Raven's head.

"I'm fucking charming. Plus, I look good in a uniform," Raven adds.

Everyone rolls their eyes at that. Classic Raven. The game goes on for a while. Around dinner time, they decide to order pizza. After dinner comes a few more rounds of truth or dare before everyone decides to head to bed around eleven o'clock.

Snuggled up in bed with Raven's arms around her, Y/N decides she is happy she came along for the trip. Raven's friends are fun to be around. She chuckles as she hears Raven start to snore, and soon, is fast asleep herself, looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.

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