My Badass Firefighter Girlfriend (Lucy Tara)

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Y/N comes to pick up Lucy at work. Lucy is surprised when she sees Y/N has a black eye. 

"Hey, Jesse. Do you know where's Lucy's at?" Y/N greets as she enters the NCIS building to pick up her long-time girlfriend, NCIS agent Lucy Tara.

"Hey Y/N. She's in her office," Jesse replies, glancing up at Y/N, "That's a nasty black eye".

"Yeah, drunk people are not fun. The idiot decided to punch me when I insisted he leave the sight of a kitchen fire. He'll be chilling in jail for a while," Y/N explains, "I'm going to go find Lucy. Have a good night, Jesse".

Jesse nods at her. He likes Y/N: the entire team does. Y/N makes her way to Lucy's office. She knocks on the door softly. It opens after a few moments to reveal Lucy. Y/N grins at her sheepishly. 

"What the hell happened to your face? Who do I need to beat up?" Lucy frowns. 

Sure, she's used to Y/N getting bruises and even the occasional burn from her job as a firefighter, but Y/N's never gotten a black eye before. The NCIS agent guides Y/N into her office and into a chair, despite Y/N's protests. 

"Stay. I'm going to get an ice pack," Lucy orders, kissing Y/N's head.

"Babe I'm fine," Y/N argues.

"Nope. You ice that eye, then we go home,"  Lucy replies, "And I'm driving".

Y/N sighs but gives in. She knows once Lucy's mind is set, there is no changing it. Lucy heads to the kitchenette where the first aid kit is kept. She grabs an instant ice pack and punches it until it is cold. Wrapping it in a towel, she heads back to Y/N.

"Here, love," Lucy states as she places the ice pack over Y/N's swollen eye, "Want to tell me what happened?" 

"Thanks, Luce. Basically, some drunk guy got mad at me for not letting him stay in the building with a kitchen fire and punched me," Y/N shrugs.

"Idiot. Please tell me he is in jail," Lucy sighs.

"Yep. Got dragged off cursing and screaming. Can we go home now? I just want to eat some leftover pizza from last night and cuddle with you," Y/N pouts. 

"Of course, love. Let's go," Lucy agrees. 

As Y/N stands up, she groans a bit. She twisted her ankle during the short fight with the drunk man but didn't realize how bad it was until now. 

"Y/N? You ok?" Lucy questions.

"Yeah, must have twisted my ankle too," Y/N shrugs, "I'll ice it when we get home." 

"I'm going to kill him," Lucy growls.

"It's fine, baby. He's in jail and is going to be charged with assaulting a first responder," Y/N soothes.

Lucy sighs, pulling Y/N close to her for a moment. She breathes in Y/N's scent, grounding herself. She knows how much Y/N loves her job, but sometimes it scares Lucy to death. At least she has a gun when she goes into danger, but Y/N just has her protective gear which isn't invincible to the unpredictable element that is fire. After a moment, Lucy pecks Y/N's lips before throwing Y/N's arm over her shoulder to help relieve some pressure on the firefighter's ankle.

"Come on, my badass firefighter girlfriend. Let's go home". 

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