A Call Gone Wrong (Josie Saltzman)

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Station 19/Legacies Crossover: Y/N is a firefighter. She gets injured on the job. Josie panics.

"Stay with us, Y/L/N. We're taking you to Grey Sloan. You're going to be fine," Travis Montgomery orders as he places an O2 mask on his friend/co worker, worry evident across his face.

It was a normal call until a few minutes ago. House fire. A beam came out of nowhere with no warning and landed on Y/N, knocking her unconscious as well as pinning her. Luckily Jack Gibson and Ben Warren were able to find her and pull her out. Now, they are on their way to the hospital.

"Mm. Josie. Call Josie," Y/N groans. 

"Bishop's on it. Just focus on breathing," Travis replies, glad when Y/N blacks out from the pain several moments later.


Josie is enjoying her day off from her job as a pediatric nurse at Grey Sloan, hanging out with her twin sister, Lizzie, Lizzie's wife, Hope, and of course, Josie's best friend, Penelope. Her phone goes off and she reaches over for it, frowning as she reads the name across the screen: Maya Bishop. Maya is Y/N's captain and never calls during work hours. Something has to be wrong. 

"Hello?" Josie asks, answering the call.

"Josie. You need to get to Grey Sloan. It's Y/N," Maya sighs, "She's been hurt."

"What? How bad? What happened?" Josie replies. Her heart sinks in her chest. She can't lose Y/N, she just can't. 

"A beam fell on her. I don't know how bad. The team and I will meet you at the hospital," Maya states before hanging up.

"Jo, what's wrong?," Lizzie questions as she watches her twin tear up.

"Y/N's been hurt. We need to go to the hospital," Josie whimpers.

"Oh god," Lizzie sighs.

"It's going to be okay, Josie. Y/N's tough. I'll drive," Hope volunteers, "Let's go,"


Josie rushes into the ER to find her wife's team all sitting in the waiting room, still in their uniforms along with Maya's wife, Carina. As for blood family, Y/N doesn't talk to them at all. The team IS Y/N's family.

"Josie," Maya sighs as she gets up, "They rushed her into surgery about half hour ago. Internal bleeding and one of her legs is broken pretty badly with some smoke inhalation."

"Dr. Bailey and Lincoln are very good. Y/N is in good hands," Carina adds, trying to reassure Josie.

Josie nods at this. She knows Dr. Bailey from Station 19 family dinners and has heard good things about Dr. Lincoln. Josie feels helpless as she just sits there, surrounded by her and Y/N's friends, and waits for some news on her wife.


A few hours later, news comes. Y/N has a long road ahead of her, but is going to be alright. Knowing this, Josie tries to send everyone from the station home to get some rest, but they refuse. 

"We aren't going anywhere, Josie. Y/N's our family and family sticks together," Vic states.

Josie is allowed to go see Y/N then. She enters the room to find her wife asleep in the hospital bed. Y/N's abdomen is bandaged up as well as her leg. The brunette tries not to cry as she sits beside Y/N and takes her hand into hers. As if she can sense her wife's presence, Y/N opens her Y/E/C eyes. She grins lazily as Josie.

"Hey there, babe," Y/N says, voice hoarse.

"Y/N," Josie replies as she finally lets the tears she has been holding back fall.

"I'm alright, Jo. I'm going to be fine," Y/N assures her wife.

"You almost died," Josie sniffles.

"But I didn't. I'm right here and could use some cuddles," Y/N states.

Josie smiles at this. She carefully crawls into bed beside Y/N. Y/N wraps her arm around Josie as best she can with the bandages. 

"Sleep, my love. I'll be here when you wake up," Y/N promises.

Josie drifts off to sleep soon after, thanking her lucky stars that Y/N survived and is going to be alright.

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