Hope (Maggie Sawyer)

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Y/N is kidnapped when the criminal Maggie has been investigating finds out she is Maggie Sawyer's girlfriend. Maggie turns to her best friend, Alex, and the team for help. 

"Mm. Babe. As much as I'd like to continue this, I have to get home and let the dog out," Y/N groans, pulling away from Maggie, who is kissing her neck.

"Alright. Are we still on for tomorrow?" Maggie questions.

"You know it, love," Y/N nods.

Y/N kisses Maggie goodbye softly. As she leaves the apartment, Maggie calls after her, reminding her to say hi to her dog, Maxwell, for her. Maggie loves that dog to bits. How could she not? Maxwell, or Max, is a black lab mix with white on his chest and is such a sweet boy, always demanding cuddles/pets from Maggie. He's been enamored with Maggie since she and Y/N started dating almost a year and a half ago. 

Y/N drives home and parks the car. Heading inside her small, two-bedroom house, she frowns. Maxwell hasn't run up to greet her as he usually does, which is rather odd. Suddenly, someone grabs her from behind, a chloroform-soaked rag covering her mouth. Y/N fights as hard as she can but soon passes out.


Maggie knows something isn't right when she turns up at Y/N's apartment for their brunch date the next morning. Maxwell is barking like crazy and there is no answer when the detective knocks. Frowning, she uses her key to let herself in. Maxwell comes flying at her, panting rapidly. Maggie lets the dog outback before looking around. Her heart stops as she sees a note on the kitchen table. The signature is that of the latest alien criminal Maggie has been chasing. Her fingers shake as Maggie dials her best friend, DEO director Alex Danvers.  

"Hey Mags. What's up?" Alex greets.

"He has Y/N," Maggie replies, voice shaking. 

"Who has Y/N?" Alex questions as her own heart drops.

"Serpent," Maggie answers, "He took her from her apartment".

"I'll be right there. Hang in there" Alex states, hanging up the phone.


Alex arrives with the evidence team soon after. Leaving the team to do their thing, the pair gather Maxwell and head to the DEO. Maggie is a mess as they go inside, clutching Maxwell's leash as if it were a lifeline. Alex sits her down and tells her to wait there as she gathers the team (James, Winn, Kara, and Lena)

"Okay, so what's the plan," Kara asks once everyone has taken a seat. 

Maggie tries to pay attention as the squad makes a plan to find Y/N and bring her home, but her mind wanders. Is Y/N hurt? Is she being fed? Is she even still alive? She wants to help make a plan, but she knows realistically she won't be any help as she is so worried about Y/N. A plan is finally made after what seems like forever and as everyone leaves to carry it out, all Maggie is left to do is hope. 


It takes five days. After five long days, but through lots of searching, help from the NCPD, and interrogations of known associates of Viper, Y/N is found and Viper is arrested. Y/N is alive but beaten badly with broken ribs, a broken leg, and bruised organs. Y/N's best friend, Sam, volunteered to take care of Maxwell while Y/N recovers. 

Y/N has been unconscious since she arrived at the DEO. Maggie has been by her bedside ever since, holding Y/N's hand in hers. Y/N looks so pale and weak. It scares Maggie to see her like this. Maggie just wants her to open her eyes. As if Y/N can sense her girlfriend's wish, she wakes up, groaning as she opens her Y/E/C eyes.

"Hey, babe. How are you feeling?" Maggie asks softly.

"Like I got beat up by a bad guy. Oh, wait I did," Y/N states, "Is Max ok?"

"Very funny. I could have lost you, Y/N, and Max is fine. Sam has him," Maggie replies.

"You didn't. I'm okay, Mags," Y/N replies, "You know, I realized something while I was just sitting there in that old warehouse all tied up. I realized that we've been dating for a long time now, are in love, and still aren't living together. I promised myself that if I got out of there, I would ask you to move in with me. So, Mags, move in with me?" 

"Yeah, I'll move in with you," Maggie agrees, smiling for the first time since Y/N was taken.

"Good. I love you," Y/N yawns.

"I love you too. Get some sleep," Maggie replies, kissing Y/N's forehead.

Y/N drifts off soon after, Maggie's hand in hers. Maggie just watches her sleep, a soft smile on her face. Needless to say, the detective is glad that Y/N is going to be alright and is ready for their next adventure as a couple: moving in together. 

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