Back In Your Arms (Clarke Griffin)

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Modern Day/Criminal Minds Crossover AU: Y/N has been away due to her job as an FBI agent for the BAU for about a week. Clarke is more worried this time than she usually is as last time there was a case, Y/N got shot by the unsub.

Clarke sighs as she opens her eyes. It's the fifth day waking up without her wife, Y/N, cuddled up next to her. Y/N is away due to her job with the FBI as a profiler with the Behavioral Analysis Unit. Clarke misses her dearly.

Last time Y/N was on a case, she ended up with a gunshot wound to the abdomen. This is her first case after some mandated time off. Clarke knows Y/N has been cleared to be in the field by both a medical doctor and a psychiatrist, but the blonde still worries. 

Y/N has been texting when she can to let Clarke know she is fine, which helps a little bit. Y/N usually texts a good morning, so the blonde reaches for her phone. She unlocks it and opens the new message from Y/N, sent about an hour ago. A grin soon spreads across her face as she reads it: Bad guy is chilling in a jail cell. Should be back in your arms in a few hours.

Clarke bolts out of bed and heads for a quick shower. She knows Y/N usually likes to just cuddle and watch some Netflix to unwind after a case, so once she finishes showering, the blonde pulls on some grey sweatpants and a oversized t-shirt that belongs to Y/N. She also lays out Y/N's favorite fuzzy pajama pants and a loose white tank top for her wife to change into once she gets home. 

As if on cue, there is a knock at the door. Shaking her head, Clarke goes to open it. It seems like Y/N is always forgetting to bring her keys with her.  Y/N grins as the door swings open to reveal her wife. The FBI agent is dressed in her khaki dress pants, white button up, and grey blazer, holding her duffle over her shoulder. Clarke kisses her, running her hands through Y/N's Y/H/C hair. A honk causes them to break apart. 

"Get a room, you two!" Emily, Y/N's coworker/best friend, calls jokingly.

"Emily! Stop teasing them and let's get home to the boys. I'm tired," J.J, Emily's wife/Y/N's coworker, scolds.

Once Emily and J.J have driven off, Clarke and Y/N head inside. Y/N changes into the comfy clothes Clarke laid out for her and they crawl into bed. Y/N lays with her head on Clarke's chest, the blonde's arms wrapped around her tightly. It's been a tough case and she is happy to be back where she belongs, in her wife's arms, at last.

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