Falling For My Captain Pt 1(Maya Bishop)

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Maya and Y/N hook up on a Saturday after going on a date. Monday morning, Maya is introduced to her new team member, none other than Y/N Y/L/N.  Maya is captain in this because I said so.

Y/N walks into Station 19 and smiles politely at the woman sitting at the front desk. Her hair is pulled back in several braids and she smiles back at Y/N.

"Hey there. I'm Vic. How can I help you?" The woman asks.

"Hi. I'm Y/N Y/L/N," Y/N replies.

"Ah. Our transfer. Well, welcome to Station 19. Let me introduce you to our captain. Follow me," Vic smiles.

Y/N follows Vic to the captain's office. Vic knocks on the door and they wait for the captain to answer.

"Come in," comes the reply. 

"Hey. This is Y/N Y/L/N. Our transfer. Y/L/N, this is our captain, Maya Bishop," Vic introduces.

The captain looks up from her paperwork. Her blue eyes meet Y/N's Y/E/C ones and both woman freeze. "Just my fucking luck," Y/N thinks to herself. Standing before her is the woman she hooked up with/went on a date with on Saturday. Y/N is new to the state so she had no way of knowing Maya is in the fire department, or she wouldn't have hooked up with her: They ran into each other at a coffee shop and work never came up. Y/N has a rule about not hooking up with fellow firefighters to keep things professional. 

"Thank you, Hughes. Please give us a moment," Maya tells Vic.

Vic nods and leaves, closing the door behind her. The moment the door is shut, Maya sighs. She knows they are both fucked. Technically they didn't know Y/N is her subordinate so they did nothing wrong, but things are bound to be awkward.

"We never hooked up. I've never met you before today. Got it?" Maya asks.

"Good plan. Got it. A pleasure to meet you, Captain Bishop," Y/N agrees instantly.  

"Good. Now, let me give you the grand tour. You got lucky: Station 19 is the best," Maya replies, getting up from her seat.


The "we just met" idea doesn't go to plan. The tension between Maya and Y/N is undeniable. They are both attracted to each other. Secretly, they want more. To be able to go out on dates and such, but Maya won't let herself give in. She is the captain and dating her subordinate would be unprofessional. 

A few months in, however, after a conversation with her friend, Carina, Maya decides to say fuck it and throws caution to the wind. She wants to be with Y/N. Besides, the department didn't really care when it was Andy and Sullivan dating. So, Maya calls Y/N into her office. Y/N's heart pounds in her chest as she stands before her captain/crush. She has no idea why Maya wants to meet with her. 

Maya gets up from her desk, crosses the room, and locks the door. She steps closer to Y/N, cupping her face with one of her hands. The blonde takes a deep breath and leans in. Y/N melts into the kiss, wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck. Nothing else matters at that moment except for Maya. They break apart when air becomes an issue, resting their foreheads together.

"Go out with me. We'll have to keep it quiet, but I don't care. I like you, Y/N. Please. Go out with me," Maya begs.

"Okay," Y/N grins, leaning in to kiss Maya once more. This isn't going to be easy, what with the work issues it may cause, but neither woman cares.

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