Did Not Need To See That (Josie Saltzman)

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Snippets of  Lizzie walking in on Josie and Y/N. Lizzie may love her sister but definitely does not want/need to see her and Y/N making out. On the other hand, Hope thinks the whole situation is hilarious.

Josie giggles as Y/N tickles her sides teasingly before leaning down and kissing her. The pair's classes have finished for the day, and it is a Friday, so they have the whole weekend ahead of them. Josie has planned a Harry Potter movie marathon for them to watch with their friends. 

They have been dating for six months now but have been friends since they were about ten. They got together after Lizzie, tired of both of them pinning for each other, got Hope to help her lock them in a closet until they confessed their feelings for each other. Hope agreed to help when Lizzie promised cuddles. Hope is a sucker for Lizzie's cuddles.

"Gross you two. I did not need to see that like ever," Lizzie groans as she opens the door, not expecting to see her sister and their 

"You act like you don't have a huge hickey on your neck from Hope, Liz," Josie replies, "Besides, this is my room, too, and if I want to make out with my girlfriend in it, I will do so".

"Ugh.  Whatever. Look, just be ready by 5:30," Lizzie sighs, collapsing onto her bed, "We're stealing dad's car for a double date,"

"Got it. I'll go get ready then," Y/N nods. She kisses Josie softly before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. 

"What?" Josie asks as she feels her twin's eyes on her.

"Please warn me next time you're making out with Y/N. I'm your sister and do not need to see that," Lizzie sighs.

"I've walked in on you and Hope countless times, Elizabeth. Now it's your turn to suffer," Josie cackles, causing Lizzie to groan.


The next time Lizzie walks in on them, it's when she's searching for a broom to sweep up the after-baking mess she and Hope created. The blonde groans and covers her eyes when she finds her sister topless, making out with Y/N in the janitor's closet.

"Really? The fucking janitor's closet?" Lizzie sighs, "Put your shirt back on, Josette."

"But she looks hot without it," Y/N smirks. She's known Lizzie since they were little kids, so Lizzie's like a sister to her and Y/N loves to tease the blonde. Josie blushes and pulls her shirt back on.

"Why are you even in her, Liz?" Josie asks.

"I need the broom. Hope made a mess baking," Lizzie replies.

"Here ya go," Y/N states, handing over the broom and dustpan.

Lizzie nods her thanks, still avoiding eye contact with Josie. She heads back to the kitchen where Hope, who is frosting cookies, takes one look at her and bursts into laughter. She knows by now the look Lizzie gets when she accidentally interrupts Josie and Y/N making out. 

"Stop laughing at me. I'm traumatized," Lizze pouts.

"Awe. My poor traumatized baby. Come here," Hope chuckles.

The tribrid pulls Lizzie in for a kiss and all thoughts of Josie vanish in an instant. Lizzie will likely interuppt more make out sessions, but hey, her sister finally got together with Y/N after months of pinning, so there's at least that.

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