Much Needed Sleep (Emily Prentiss)

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Soft, sleepy Emily Prentiss 

Y/N locks the door behind her as she enters the apartment she shares with her girlfriend of more than a year, Emily Prentiss. Emily's cat, Sergio, rubs against Y/N's legs, purring happily. Y/N pets him as she kicks off her shoes, smiling down at the cat: he's such a good boy if a bit mischievous at times.

She then searches for Emily, who texted about an hour ago saying she was on her way home from her job as an FBI agent. She finds her raven-haired lover asleep in their bed, dressed in plaid pajama pants and a loose sleep shirt. The woman is half asleep, fighting to keep her chocolate brown eyes open.

"Y/N/N. Come cuddle," Emily yawns. 

"You're so cute when you're half asleep like this," Y/N chuckles as she quickly changes into grey sweatpants and a hoodie.

She joins Emily in bed. Emily curls into her, resting her head on Y/N's chest. Y/N strokes her girl's black hair, loving how Emily curls into her further. Ever since she met Emily at a local bookstore, her life has been much brighter. She loves Emily to bits and of course, Sergio was a welcome bonus. 

"Mm. You're so warm," Emily mumbles.

"And you're so cute," Y/N replies, placing a kiss on the agent's forehead.

"Sergio ok?" Emily asks sleepily, "He's a troublemaker".

"He's fine, my love. Probably curled up in his bed," Y/N chuckles, "Did you have a good day?"

"It was okay. No cases, which is good," Emily replies, failing to stifle a yawn. 

"Go to sleep, Em. You're exhausted," Y/N states.

Emily nods and relaxes in Y/N's arms. She feels so warm and safe in them and soon, her eyelids flutter shut. Soon, Emily's soft snores fill the room. Y/N just lays there, Emily in her arms. When Emily wakes, they will make dinner, but for now, Y/N is more than content to sit there and let Emily get some much-needed sleep. 

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