A New Family Member (Shelby Goodkind)

978 20 0

After a hard week at work, Y/N makes it her mission to make Shelby smile. What better to do that than a dog?

"Hey, babe. I'm home," Y/N calls as she enters the house, locking the door behind her. 

She frowns as her wife, Shelby, doesn't respond as she normally does. Y/N travels for her job occasionally and she was away this week. Shelby normally greets her with a kiss after she has been away, but not today. After searching the house, Y/N finds Shelby in their bed. The blonde is just laying there, staring off into space. 

"Shelbs? You okay?" Y/N asks, kneeling next to the blonde.

"Bad week at work," Shelby mumbles, "Missed you." 

"I missed you too, love. I'm sorry you had a bad week. Let me shower really quick and we can cuddle," Y/N replies as she kisses the blonde's head.

"K," Shelby murmurs.

Y/N showers quickly and throws on some sweats and a hoodie. She then climbs into bed with Shelby, who snuggles against her. Soon, the blonde is fast asleep in Y/N's arms. Y/N just lays there and thinks about how she can make Shelby feel better. Then, it hits her: a dog.


The next day while Shelby is sleeping in, Y/N goes to the animal shelter. She knows Shelby has been wanting a dog for a while after falling in love with their friend Toni's lab. While Shelby loves that lab to bits, Y/N plans to look for a smaller dog as she knows the blonde prefers small breeds over large ones. The moment she sees a little black and tan Shih Tzu sitting in his kennel, she knows that the dog is the perfect one for her wife. She talks with the shelter worker about the dog and when Y/N is told he's a sweet, cuddly boy, her decision is set. 

Y/N makes a quick stop at the pet store for the basics: food, water/food bowls, a bed, a leash, a harness, an ID tag, a collar, and some toys as well as a small crate. She then heads home. Taking the dog out of the car, she unlocks the door.

"Shelby! Can you come here please?" Y/N calls.

"Coming, love," Shelby replies. The blonde comes down the stairs and freezes as she spots her wife holding the cutest little fluff ball. 

"I know you've been wanting a dog for a while now and I saw him at the shelter and had to get him for you. His name is Ralphy and he's one year old," Y/N explains, handing him to Shelby.

"I love him. He's the cutest little thing," Shelby replies, cuddling Ralphy.

Ralphy licks Shelby's face, causing her to laugh. Y/N leaves Shelby with their new dog to go grab the dog supplies. Ralphy immediately takes a liking to his new dinosaur chew toy. He runs around squeaking it, looking quite proud of himself. As Y/N watches Shelby play with the dog, a wide smile on her face, Y/N knows she made the right choice in brining Ralphy into their family.

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