Avoidance (Toni Shalifoe)

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Childhood best friends AU (no island): Toni and Y/N have been best friends since they were five years old when Toni was adopted by the Blackburns, who live across from Y/N. Then, in their junior year of high school, Toni starts dating Regan. Toni doesn't understand why Y/N suddenly seems to be closed off and avoiding her and decides to ask Martha why Y/N has been avoiding her. 

"And here she comes," Toni laughs as she watches her childhood best friend, Y/N, run out of the house, one shoe on and one shoe off. Y/N is nearly always late in the morning.

"Hey, Toni. Hi Martha," Y/N grins, climbing into the back seat of Toni's beat-up old car besides Martha.

"Hi Y/N," Martha replies cheerfully.

"Hey Y/N/N. We're going to pick up Reagan on the way. Her car broke down," Toni states.

"Okay...," Y/N replies, her heart sinking. She has been in love with Toni for about a year now and is just too afraid to tell in for fear of losing her best friend.

Y/N just stares out the window. Martha notices this and knows why: Y/N confided in her her feelings for Toni. Toni, however, is so excited to pick up her girlfriend that she doesn't notice that her normally chatty best friend is being rather quiet. 

They pick up Reagan and Y/N flinches as the dark-haired girl leans over and kisses Toni good morning. Y/N avoids Toni during the classes they share by not passing notes like they usually do, even opting to partner with some random girl instead of Toni. Toni shrugs it off and thinks Y/N is just having an off day or wants to make new friends. She goes about her day as normal, thinking about her date with Regan after school. 

Toni finally realizes something is up when Y/N has been avoiding her for five days straight. She isn't even getting rides to and from school from Toni anymore but taking the bus even though the bus is always overcrowded. She only speaks to Toni when she has to for class. At lunch, Y/N is nowhere to be found. What's weird to Toni is that Y/N still talks to Martha and their other friends, so she knows it is specifically her that Y/N is avoiding. It hurts as if she's being honest with herself, Toni's had feelings for Y/N for a while now. She decides to talk to Martha about it that night as they are doing homework in their shared room.

"Hey, Martha?" Toni questions. 

"Yeah, Toni?" Martha replies.

"Do you know why Y/N has been avoiding me?" Toni sighs, "I really miss her".

"I shouldn't say. That's Y/N's business," Martha says, biting her lip, "Look, didn't you and Regan agree you two are better as friends a few days ago?" 

"Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?" Toni frowns.

"Just ask Y/N," Martha replies.

"Okay, I will," Toni agrees, just wanting to know why her best friend has been avoiding her.


The next day is a Saturday, so that morning, Toni texts Y/N and asks her to meet her by the woods they would always hang out in when they were kids. Y/N is hesitant but decides to go, curious as to why Toni wants to meet with her at a place they haven't been to in years. 

"Hey," Toni states as Y/N approaches.

"Hi," Y/N replies.

"Look, I think we need to talk. I know you have been avoiding me. I want you to know that Regan and I have decided we're better off as friends if that has anything to do with it. I miss you, Y/N," Toni explains, "Please let me in again. Please don't avoid me".

"If I tell you why I've been avoiding you, you'll be the one avoiding me," Y/N sighs, fighting back tears.

"Y/N/N, you're my best friend and nothing will every change that," Toni assures.

"Yeah, this one thing will. I'm in love with you, Toni. I was avoiding you because I was jealous of Regan," Y/N admits.

Suddenly, Toni's lips are on hers. Y/N freezes for a minute before kissing Toni back. She tangles her hands in Toni's brunnete locks. Y/N sighs happily against Toni's lips. Toni pulls back when air becomes an issue and gazes into Y/N's eyes.

"By the way, I'm in love you too," Toni grins, "Would you like to go out with me?"

"I think I'd like that very much," Y/N smiles.

The pair kiss again. For the first time in what seems like forever, they are both at peace, excited about their future together as a couple. 

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