A Start (Maya Bishop)

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Reader Request: Maya and Y/N broke up due to Maya's distance from Y/N and their relationship. Y/N finds Maya crying in the shower and gets in with her and holds Maya while she breaks down. The next day they evaluate their relationship.

Y/N sighs as she relaxes on the sofa after a long shift as an EMT. She recently broke up with her long-time girlfriend, firefighter Maya Bishop. Maya had been distancing herself from Y/N and their relationship fell apart after a month of this distance. Y/N misses Maya. 

She loves the blonde, but can't be in a relationship with someone who is basically a brick wall at this point. Her phone dings so she unlocks it to see a text from Andy, Maya's best friend, who she knows Maya has been stonewalling as well.

Hey, can you check on Maya? She didn't show up to work today and I'm worried. I know you two broke up but she does love you, Y/N. She's just going through a lot. 

Yeah, ok. I'll check on her. I hate that we broke up, but she's just so distant. It was like dating a brick wall. 

Y/N throws her shoes on as she replies to Andy's text. She grabs her keys, smiling sadly at the picture keychain of her and Maya at the beach, and heads out the door. It's only a ten-minute drive to Maya's. She knocks and calls out for the blonde, but after waiting a few minutes and getting no answer. 

Y/N decides to unlock the door with the spare key Maya gave her, worried about the blonde. She hears the sound of the shower and Maya's sobs. Her heart stops: Maya rarely cries. Something must be really wrong. Y/N kicks off her sneakers and heads into the bathroom. There, she finds Maya, still dressed in running clothes, sitting under the shower stream, sobbing. 

Not thinking twice, Y/N gets into the shower and sits in front of Maya, pulling the blonde into her arms. Maya clings to her. She doesn't mean to stonewall Y/N: she's just hurting and was taught by her father to push through the pain. Y/N just sits there and lets Maya cry, knowing that once Maya calms down, they will need to talk.


Y/N spends the night, not wanting to leave Maya alone. The next morning, she awakens to the smell of fresh coffee. She finds Maya sitting at the kitchen table. The blonde glances up at her sadly. 

"Hey," Maya whispers.

"Hi. I think we should talk, ok?" Y/N asks.

Maya nods and the pair head to the living room. They sit on the couch, facing one another. Y/N reaches over and tucks a piece of blonde hair behind Maya's ear. 

"I love you, Maya. I want to be with you, but I can't be with you if you stonewall me. I know it's hard for you to let people in, but please love. Let me in," Y/N begs.

"I know. I'm sorry for how I treated you. I love you so much, Y/N. It's just been a rough time. The team who I thought was my family basically turned on me. I'm going to text Dianne and maybe put in for a transfer. Can we give us another try?" Maya replies.

"Yeah, I think we can do that," Y/N nods, "But only if I get a kiss first".

This gets Maya to smile. She leans in and cups Y/N's face in her hands, kissing her softly. They both know their relationship is far from fixed, but this is a start and for that, both are grateful.

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