Drunk Zombie (ShonixReader)

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 Y/N comes home drunk. Shelby and Toni take care of her. TW: drunkenness  

Toni comes home late to find Shelby watching a movie on the couch. Y/N is nowhere in sight. The brunette kicks her shoes off and smiles at the blonde. 

"Hey baby," Toni grins, "Where's Y/N?"

"Hi Toni," Shelby replies, "She went out after work with friends. Now, go change so we can cuddle"

Toni chuckles at this, placing a kiss to Shelby's forehead. She does as the blonde asks and changes into some sweatpants and a hoodie. Toni joins Shelby on the couch and they just relax and cuddle, watching the rest of the movie. Just as the movie credits are rolling, Y/N comes through the door, clearly drunk. For some reason, she is dressed as a zombie.

"Hi Toni! Hi Bee!" Y/N grins.

"Hey, love. Why don't you sit down?" Shelby suggests.

Y/N nods and allows Shelby to guide her to a chair. The blonde locks their apartment door and fetches makeup wipes for Y/N. She hands them to Toni, who kneels in front of Y/N.

"Why are you dressed as a zombie?" Toni questions as she wipes away the costume makeup, "You look ridiculous".

"It was a costume party," Y/N pouts.

"Toni, be nice to our drunk zombie please," Shelby replies. She knows her girls love to tease each other, but drunk Y/N cries easily so it's best not to tease her.

"Fine. Come on, Y/N/N. Let's get you into some pajamas and to bed" Toni agrees.

"K. Cuddles?" Y/N questions.

"Of course, babe. Now, listen to Toni and get your PJs on," Shelby nods, kissing Y/N's head.

Y/N heads to the bedroom to do just that. Toni busies herself with throwing away the makeup wipes while Shelby throws away the snack wrappers from her snack earlier. Suddenly, they hear Y/N's sniffles. When they walk into the bedroom, they find Y/N with her pajama pants on properly, but her shirt is stuck on her head. Shelby has to hold in her laughter as she helps Y/N fix her shirt. She can't help it: Y/N is just too cute when drunk.

Together, Shelby and Toni manage to tuck Y/N into bed. She is half asleep the moment her head hits the pillow so they are able to sneak away to brush their teeth. Y/N is quite clingy when drunk and the last thing they want is for her to realize they are gone and start crying. After brushing their teeth, they climb into bed, leaving Y/N in the middle.

"Mm. Love you Toni. Love you Shelbs," Y/N murmurs.

"We love you too," Shelby smiles.

"So much. Even if you are a drunk zombie," Toni chuckles.

Soon, Shelby and Y/N drift off to sleep. Toni just watches them sleep for a while, a soft smile on her face before falling asleep, her girlfriends safe and sound, snuggled in bed with her.

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