23. Game, Set, Match

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Our first full week back has been productive, if not so much for moving things along, then to at least take a pulse on where it still sits. School hasn't even started yet and I'm already chomping at the bit for it to be over so we can get to the weekend, and all the stuff Troy and I have planned to pack it full of. The gentleman that he is, he hasn't pushed or prodded too hard about us still having to keep a safe distance when Cat is around, even if I can tell he's been taking the entire setup harder this week than before. I don't blame him either, it must seem so stupid that we can't just tell her we're dating, but if this week has shown me anything else, it's just how volatile she's becoming.

I can feel myself pulling away too, not in any way that's bad, but more organically, a natural result of needing to devote more of my time to my relationship. Despite not knowing outright, she must sense something is up, and I fear it's goading her more into this ill-conceived revenge plot she's cooked up as a way to placate me, earn back my friendship maybe. Or maybe this distance she perceives, and thus the weakening bond of that something special I know she relies on, is genuinely triggering for her, and this is how she chooses to cope. There's no telling what's going on in her mind, only that I continue to be at a loss for what to do.

Thank god Troy is always so chill about everything, I'm sure this whole mess we're in can't be a good look, but he's been very forgiving. I don't know how I keep forgetting just how awesome he is. We still have a few minutes before first period so I go to find him on his wall, waiting until he's finished with the deal he's in to approach.

"Isn't that weird? I was totally just thinking about how much I wanted to see you. Good morning, handsome." He's quite the sight greeting me in his ripped jeans, guitar held casually in his lap, an uncontrollable grin appearing as he reaches out for my hand. How could I not give it to him? "Did you decide what you want to do first this weekend? I made a list of movies we could rent if you feel like staying in and having a marathon. I assume there will be cuddling of some sort involved? Oh, I also did more work on the song I've been writing too, so if we get the chance I'd love to hear your feedback."

"Definitely feeling the movie idea, maybe something scary? Any excuse to be close to you." I tease him, flirting.

"You trying to make me swoon, Summers? Give up now I tell you, my willpower is made of steel! You're going to have to try a lot harder than that." Troy jokes, his smile getting bigger. "Okay, maybe not, but still! I refuse to admit defeat. Keep going, I dare you, at this rate I'm tempted to forget about school entirely so we can skip right to the good part."

"You act like that would be a bad thing, but I wouldn't be opposed to the idea." I press. I can't put my finger on it, but since we got back from break things have been different. Better. That might be Troy, or all the changing I've been doing since before we even got together, or to hear my parents say it, it might even be because of therapy, but all I know is that I'm enjoying learning to live again. Colors seem brighter and things taste sweeter, I'm able to focus in my classes and I experience authentic joy and excitement every single time I see Troy.

There are absolutely a million awful things I have to deal with, I'm not saying those simply go away, but now it's like there's something good to help balance that awfulness, where before that's all I had. That's good perspective; reframing, as my therapist called it. Though there are other ways I want to tease Troy, more funny, more flirty, he pulls his hand away, offering a heads up before I even turn around to witness Cat striding over.

"How did I know I'd find you two here? Were you able to finally have that little chat with our friend, Drew?" Cat asks, her lofty implications hidden behind the pair of sunglasses she wears in spite of the overcast sky.

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