37. Old Friends, New Beginnings

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By next week our new normal is already starting to feel like routine, and I'm optimistic about what the future will hold. Cat has spent the weekend getting all settled in with me and mom, and I'm still riding high from my victory over Chad. I gave myself grace to be sad about it too, to mourn and be mad, but for the most part I have comfort in the choices I made. With all the stuff happening at once I didn't feel quite ready to go back to school, so mom let me stay home again today, which worked out for the best since Cat's still not back at school yet either. It was nice to just spend the day talking.

With Monday drawing to a close we're sat around the dinner table while the two of them make small talk. I realize it's an adjustment for the both of them, but even though it's not perfect I appreciate that they're being good sports. The end of the school year rapidly approaches and I'm keenly aware that more change is on the horizon, but for right now I take heart that the biggest battle is won. That bodes well, because if I could face that—and walk away on the other side still standing—then I can face anything. We all can, I'm not the only one who has had to be brave.

"Did you get enough to eat, Cat? There might be some leftovers in the fridge from the other night if you're still hungry." Mom remarks politely once dinner is finished, gathering up the plates from the table.

"No thanks, that hit the spot. It was very good, Mrs. Summers." Hearing Cat trying to use her manners is perhaps one of the most bizarre changes to come out of this, but that goes to show how much she wants this to work.

"I haven't had any complaints yet. I'm going to finish up in the kitchen if you kids need anything." After their platitudes have been exchanged, mom disappears into the other room, allowing my friend to visibly decompress. It's a whole different dynamic for her from what I gather—a drastic change from the home life with her dad, or foster care, or with her aunt.

"Shoot me now, god. Make sure you tell your mom I really do like her cooking." Cat rubs her temples.

"You don't have to try so hard." I laugh.

"It's just weird."

"Takes time to get used to, for everybody, but you're welcome to stay as long as it takes. My mom even said she'll call the principal tomorrow so hopefully you can get back to school soon." Finding our new normal doesn't mean that everything changes, and in the aftermath of these last few, chaotic weeks I'm pleased to see some things returning to the status quo. It doesn't appear as though Cat shares that sentiment, so after thinking it over I decide to cheer her up. "Plus I may have some good news about your cousins."

"You found them?" Her face comes alive in a way that makes me smile, so while I didn't want to bring it up until I was sure, her reaction sways me.

"Not exactly, I hope you don't mind but I gave my dad the last contact information you had for them so he could help, and he thinks he maybe found someone who can." We're all doing our part, and though the Kellers may be Goodbury elite, my dad has formed some fairly useful friendships here and in Delton. I take out my phone and text her the information, "I can't promise it'll be any good, but it's a start."

"Are you kidding? It's more than that, thank you, Drew. And thank your dad for me too." She studies the text intently, and while she's never been the greatest at showing her gratitude, it's not hard to tell how much it means to her. "You know its dumb, I've been dreaming about finding them for so long that I almost stopped believing I would. Now that I might it just seems so unreal, and I've been thinking a lot about what you said. This could be my chance to get it right. I'm going to step outside and call, do you mind?"

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