33. Promised

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Returned in full force, the nightmares debut again in grand fashion, hounding me relentlessly throughout a long night while I weigh the sickening confession Cat had made. The fact that the police came knocking on my door after exhausting all other options proves that they don't know the extent of what she's done, or rather, to what extent she's culpable, but they know enough. First her, then Troy, now me, pretty soon the bodies piling up around Chad and his parents' crusade to seek justice for their rapist son will be too large to ignore for anyone. The total shock and disgust my own parents had shown last night was so akin to mine, but without any of the knowledge I have they are almost as clueless as the police in this matter. Maybe that's for the best, because then they don't have to deal with the nightmares.

In a lot of ways I wish I could go back to the blissful ignorance I had traded up so voraciously, but what good would that do me now? This isn't Cat's trauma or Coach's shop or my parents' marriage—this is a storm that I'm at the direct center of, and if I don't do something then I'll be forced to watch everything I love destroyed by the Keller name the same as I had one summer ago. But what do I do, turn over Cat to save mine and Troy's own necks? How could I live with myself after that? Our interaction at the park yesterday has cemented my belief that she's a tragic character in all this, even accounting for what she's done.

I grab the clothes laying on top in my dresser to dress before leaving my bedroom, unsure of what I'll say to my mom. We didn't leave things with any real resolution last night, between her and my dad there was enough fear and doubt in the room for everyone that I didn't need to contribute. All those questions I'd let go unanswered will be waiting still, I'd stake my life on it, but even after sleeping on it I have yet to make a decision on how to navigate these tricky waters. Peeking my head into the kitchen I expect to see my mom right away, ready for an interrogation with breakfast on the table, but she's not in here.

Only when I go back into the hall and get closer to the living room do I hear her speaking in hushed conversation with my dad. Strange for him to be here at this hour, I haven't seen him so early since he moved out, but when I go right into the room to make myself known, I conclude that he must've just slept over since he's in the same clothes as before. That might be an exciting development under other circumstances, but these aren't it. They stop talking when I come in, looking at me and then at one another, and then they stand up so that we're all level. Or they're preparing for a chase in case I run.

"Good morning, kiddo. Did you sleep well?" Dad inquires, so obvious with his attempt at casual that I have to literally stop from rolling my eyes. When his greeting goes unanswered he must get the hint, because he gets straight to it. "Neither did we, we've been up talking most of the night. We're going to have to deal with this whether you want to or not, I took the liberty of calling our lawyer to make sure we're prepared for whatever's coming, we're supposed to meet with her in a few hours. I'd really like to have some idea of what you kids have gotten yourselves into before we get there though."

"Really, dad? A lawyer? Don't you think that's a bit of an overreaction?" I raise a brow, playing it off. I'm not callous, I just don't know what I can say that will give him any comfort. "You guys go if you're that worried, I've got to get to school—huge test today."

"You won't be going to school, we already called them too." Mom takes over, relaying the news in a manner that's much calmer than I would've expected from her. She motions to dad, "we decided that it'd be best for you to stay home for the rest of the week, or at least until we can get a clear idea of what to expect and how to handle it."

"The whole week?" Granted, the week is already halfway over, but that's still plenty of opportunity for me to be trapped here with them while they dig and prod for an explanation they said they'd be patient for, for the one they've wanted since last summer. "Why are you making this a bigger thing than it is? It'll blow over."

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