34. Kids in Love

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My eyes land on my phone, perched placid on the nightstand beside Troy's bed. Before I turned it off a couple hours ago it wouldn't stop buzzing between Cat and my parents, so this was the only avenue I had to finding any serenity, and I have no regrets. I came to Troy for comfort, I knew he wouldn't be able to provide any of the practical solutions I'd been relying on from Cat, but the time for those is over, all I want is to escape reality for however long I can manage. Partly because I don't like how our current reality feels, naturally, but also because at this point I think there's only one way to get out of this, and I want to avoid that for as long as possible too.

Despite what it looks like I hadn't given much thought to the kind of comfort I needed, just being with him would have been enough, but halfway through the day and I don't have any regrets about this either. Troy's arm slips over my side, tugging lightly to get me to roll onto my back where he hovers above me, a hand supporting his head. I like being here with him—I like that he makes it all seem safe, sure, but I also just like the experience. The cotton sheets that somehow feel extravagant as they fold along my waist in a lazy fashion, laying naked in his bed and staring into those lovestruck eyes he uses to drink me up with.

It's always so simple with him, easy, and I could stay in that forever. He makes me happy. Yet for every passing minute that reality creeps back closer.

"Do you think I should call my mom? I'm worried she'll send a search party out any minute if I don't check in." That she hasn't already is a minor miracle, and no matter how I want to prolong this moment with my boyfriend, I have a hunch I'm not doing either of us any favors by staying unplugged.

"As much as I want to say that's a good idea, I'm going to have to vote against it." Troy purrs, those soft, full lips getting closer until they miss mine completely. He kisses my chest slowly, then works his way higher in increments, to my neck, "because if you do she's just going to make you come home, and I don't want that. I want you to stay right here with me, all sexy and handsome in my bed."

"Aren't you worried about your dad?" I work my fingers through his hair, trying to stay detached from the concern when he kisses that spot beneath my ear. Coach would probably be my mom's first call, and then he'll be in here in an instant, furious that his son and I have forsaken caution to be together.

"He'll be doing inventory the rest of the day, typically he gets pretty into it," Troy assures me through each kiss, running out of areas so that he has to position his mouth directly next to mine. "You're good to hang out for as long as you want, but, I'm not so sure I want to be thinking about my dad at a time like this. You know?"

"Cute, but I'm not playing around." The worry I keep trying to leave outside has a way of finding its way in. I want his comfort, and I want it to be as simple as he makes it, but something about him acting as indifferent as Cat had to this dire situation rubs me wrong. I can't be the only one holding up this ceiling caving in, can I? I remain highly conscious of my phone, visible from the corner of my eye, "what do we say if he comes back sooner than expected?"

"We say nothing, it's none of his business what we do."

"Would he see it that way?" I say, my fear plain. I wouldn't be so scared if I wasn't afraid to lose him. Troy remains where he is, so close to me that it doesn't take much to reach out and touch his face in hopes I'll remember how it feels in case. I recall the discussion he and I had right after I showed up at his door, "you said you've been staying away the last few days so they wouldn't think I had anything to do with it, and it feels like maybe your dad would agree. My mom said you guys got a lawyer?"

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