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Music blares loudly from the Keller lake house, sweeping down along the shore and onto the sandy beach where we're all sitting around the bonfire. A hundred different conversations are going on, mostly drunk ones, but I've personally only had a couple so far so I'm doing alright. It's a gorgeous night, the moon, full in the sky, smiles down on us. We're celebrating the end of school now that summer's finally here, I can't wait for all the dumb stuff me and the gang are going to get up to—we're officially halfway through high school, so whatever it is, it's got to be epic. Gunther is showing me a video on his phone when Lisa plops down on my other side, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"That doesn't sound good, princess, what's got you all in a tizzy? Where'd Timmy boy get off to?" Gunther raises an eyebrow, taking another sip from his cup.

"I don't know, he ran off chasing after Todd." She snatches the cup from him, finishing off the contents.

"So you did find him?" I inquire. She'd only gone to look for her boyfriend ten minutes ago.

"Sure did, right on top of Teresa Gomez. I walked in on the two of them making out, so I'm taking that as we're officially over—don't you dare say it either."

"No way, I'd never." I rub her back sympathetically.

"Fuck it, I will." Gunther laughs. "We told you so."

"Christ, I get so tired of this. Seriously, am I cursed or something? I know we were only dating for like two months but I swear every single guy I go out with turns out to be an asshole or a liar. It's not me, is it? You'd tell me if it was." She looks to us for reassurance, more annoyed than anything.

"It's definitely not you, and hey, at least he did you a favor, it's better you found out now rather than later on after you were already serious about him." My comfort only makes her roll her eyes.

"Good on Tim, I hope he catches up to the dude and slaps his nuts." The concept pleases Gunther. "You wouldn't have this problem if you would just give in already and date me, Lis."

"Fat chance, but I hope you're right about Tim. Todd will be lucky if that's all that happens to him, I can't guarantee I won't cut his balls off next time I see him." Lisa seethes, choosing to only dwell on it for another second before she inhales sharply and puts out her hands. "Forget him. Forget all of them! This summer I'm going to focus on me, I really want to lose ten pounds and maybe get highlights, depending on how adventurous I feel. You guys and Tim, you're the only boys I need in my life, so I say screw everyone else and let's make this the best summer ever!"

"Hell yeah, I'll drink to that!" I cheer along with her.

"I would too but, oh wait, someone stole my drink." Gunther leers over at our friend who only mocks him. We all share a good laugh about it, and I consider that our epic summer is set to kick off right here at this party, but then he leans over to fake whisper very loudly at us. "This whole us against the world thing, does that mean we all have to be abstinent? Because it looks like our boy Drew has a secret admirer."

"A what?" Automatically I scan the crowd, searching for whatever he sees. I find the pair of eyes resting on me from across the fire easily enough though, making my cheeks go flush as both my friends tease me about it. Even surrounded by all of his own friends, here at his own party, Chad Keller is still fixated on me, showing off that killer smile when he catches me catching him. It's not too much of a surprise, we've had some pretty playful exchanges that border on flirty the last couple of swim practices, I've been sort of wondering if there might be something there.

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