38. Hold On to Sixteen

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The spring sun shines down through puffy clouds where we're hanging out in the Baker's backyard, me by the pool, and my dad and Troy over by the grill to oversee lunch. Coach just went inside to get plates, and despite my boyfriend leaving me to go whisper with my dad instead, I'm not lonely. It's a beautiful day, it was nice of them to invite us over so we could spend it together, I haven't seen nearly as much of my dad as I'd like in the last few weeks. Work may be keeping him busy, but he's been consistent in calling me each night to tuck me in nevertheless, so I can be okay with that too—the world has to return to its natural order sometime.

Today was actually the first day there wasn't any mention of Chad at school either, or how he suddenly disappeared. At long last I'm on the right path, my therapy sessions are more productive and things at home are stabilizing, but I can't be too premature. I look at the pool, likely not warm enough to swim in yet, but I'm more anxious than ever to get back to who I'd been before all this. My contemplation is cut short by the phone buzzing in my pocket, and I see that Cat's calling. She's been with us long enough that it felt somewhat okay to leave her home with my mom, but their lack of common ground is somewhat worrisome.

"Say the word, I'll take the cover off and you can hop in." Coach interrupts, a stack of paper plates in his hand. I must not be the only one who misses the old days, because he unloads without prompting, "it'd be good to see you in the water again. We didn't make state this year, but with a strong bench we could still pull it off, I'd put money on it. That would make for one heck of a senior year, don't you think?"

"Maybe," I flash him a knowing smile, grateful he hasn't given up on me. He never did, and while he might be thinking that far ahead, I've been so hellbent on survival that I haven't yet considered what I would do next year. Now that I have that opportunity, who's to say what I'll do? I watch Troy and my dad again, an odd pair I find strangely endearing. He tried to be so coy about it, but I have a hunch my boyfriend's over there scheming about what they should do for my birthday next month. Sixteen is almost over for me, but all things considered I'm not quite sure I'm ready to let it go, so I say, not taking my eyes off the guys I love, "but I kind of want to focus on this, you know?"

"Makes sense, just something to think about—no telling what might be different by then. For now it probably is best to take a beat and rest up, you've got your hands plenty full from what I hear. How's it going with your friend, Cat? That was her calling, wasn't it?" Every bit as understanding as his son, Coach knows when to fold and he changes the subject.

"She's fine, it's been fun having her around." I respond, meeting his gaze. He doesn't know what really happened with her, neither him or my parents. Given enough clues I wouldn't be surprised if they were able to figure out what she did, or how Troy was involved, or the deal I made with Chad to make it go away. If they have though, they don't say anything. Same as me, I think they're just as eager for the next chapter to begin, for everyone. I share with Coach, "she managed to get in contact with one of her cousins last week, they've been talking about moving her out there to stay with them as soon as they work out the details."

"That'll be a big adjustment, you ready for that?" He asks.

"It's what she wants." What else am I supposed to say? It's been easy to talk about her going and what a benefit it'll be in the abstract, but now that it's real? It's selfish, but I've struggled to be totally committed.

"It'll be tough, but every now and then a change of scene can make all the difference." Obviously he's been a dad long enough that he can mine the half-articulated machinations of a teenage boy with relative ease. He also knows how to handle it, "hopefully she'll be happier too, I'm glad things are finally starting to shape up. For all you kids. I really do think you should get some rest, but just know if you ever need something, or you want to come back to the team or the store, you're always welcome. I mean it, bud, you've got a second home here."

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