39. Junior Year

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Goodbury seems so small down below, miles and miles away from me and Troy and the hood of the truck we're sitting on in anticipation of the sunset. His spot feels just as special as always, the same as it had that first night we'd come up here—him hoping to help, and me hoping to make it through another week. And I did, through that week, and then a month, and another. Recovery really has been simple enough that one step at a time has managed to go a long way. Being here with him now though, it feels both like my entire world has changed, and then in the same breath, that nothing at all has.

With only a measly couple of weeks left for school, my attention has gradually turned to what my next move will be, and I'm ready to start dreaming. I'm reclined back, rested on my elbows as I forgo the awe-inspiring scene below to instead watch my boyfriend as he plays me another song on his guitar. He doesn't sing, but he hums along in tune, pouring his concentration into the performance before he glances over to grace me with that incredible smile he has. I think, for me, it'll always be the most beautiful I'll ever see in an entire lifetime.

"Taylor Swift again?" I push my neck out to greet the kiss he initiates, setting his guitar aside.

"Good ear, I'm surprised you picked up on that," he remarks sarcastically. "I've been going through and trying to learn her entire discography, pretty soon I'll be able to play any song of hers you'd like."

"Wow, I'm really impressed with you." I tease back. Then I sit up fully, my shoulder against his, to look out over our unassuming town. Not even eighteen yet and I still feel like I've lived a whole life down there, where so much started and stopped, and while I could look on Goodbury with contempt for it, I think what I have most is gratitude. Same as what I have for Troy, and I inch even closer. "Been a minute since you played me something you wrote though, I definitely like your stuff better."

"Hold on, are you admitting I'm better than Taylor Swift? Geez, that must be like blasphemy for you, I don't know if I can fill those glamorous pop, country shoes." Troy goes right on joking, exactly as I expect, and I only laugh with him. "I'm not saying I always knew I'd be your favorite necessarily, but it does feel right, you know? The pressure's on, I've got my work cut out for me—I'll do my best to be worthy of that honor. I don't want to let my number one fan down, do I? All I got to do now is find some inspiration."

"Look no further, if how awesome I am isn't enough then surely you can find something to write about given the year we've had." It may be dragging to it's close, but the events of one summer and it's consequences will likely live on in all of our minds for a while to come. It's difficult to forget, even as we've begun to move on. Dad's decided to vacate the motel, with him and mom set on their amicable split he's started looking at apartments in Goodbury—close enough that it won't be a terrible hike to work, but also close enough that I can visit whenever. He actually went to look at one he really liked just a few days ago.

Likewise, mom has taken the leap and is looking to get back to the library. She really only quit to look out for me, but now that we're in a good place, and she knows she doesn't have to worry so much, she's able to tend to her own happiness for the first time in too long. One of the greatest rewards I've received from my recovery is the peace that it's brought her and everyone else I care about. Beyond me though, I think she'll just enjoy being back to work and having her hands busy.

The space my parents will have away from each other to rediscover who they are, and moreover, who they want to be, is something I can very much relate to. In many ways, the events that unfolded after last summer have asked a lot of difficult questions of each of us, my boyfriend included. Troy nods his head in solidarity, analyzing the response I gave.

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