Torn Flesh

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

When all the humans from Neema's village had been transferred off of the helicopters and into the main compound, they were separated into two lines of men and women. The children clung to their mothers as three wolves demanded the name and age of each person. Their details were typed into a small transparent screen by each wolf who took a picture to accompany each name. When they had finished they were forced to face the front where a tall white haired male stood. His black beady eyes narrowed down on them while his back was supported by a line of ferocious looking men. Some of them choosing to stay in the middle form of half man half wolf. Their beast shone through in their eyes and many bared their fangs at them.

The scent of fear was an aphrodisiac to them, and the humans reeked of it.

Neema's eyes glanced over all the bloody humans, some had gaping wounds on their arms and legs. They were too weak to stand but feared they would be killed if they disobeyed the command given. Caillum and Jana stood behind her as she tried to protect them from what she knew would be a gruesome display of pure dominance and carnal behaviour. The sun was still strong in the sky though it had begun its decent across the sky. Preparing them for the darkness their souls would be submitted to. Ripping the light from their life and shrouding them in gloom.

A sharp whistle into the microphone gained everyone's attention. The white haired man stood further onto the stage, his body hunching over the podium as his eyes squinted down at the humans. Glee shone in his eyes in reverence of what he was about to say. What he was about to condemn them to. A tall heavy black man stood to the side as he watched them with a disappointed and resigned face. His hazel eyes glimmered as wrinkles stretched across his dark skin. His bald head shining in the sun. His shoulders were broad and his chest puffed out, as he folded his arms across his chest.

"You are gathered here today to witness the punishment of these measly humans who thought they could remain hidden from us. Their reluctance to submit has meant hundreds of wolves have gone without mates! Without children!"

His voice growled at the last sentence as if his chance of having a mate had been stolen from him, like her choice would be stolen from her. A small black disk hovered in the air as the old man glared directly at it and baring his teeth. It was as if he was directing his speech to the disk and not the humans in front of him.

"Each human above the age of 16 will receive a lash for every year they have stayed away from a facility. Let it come as a warning to every human present and those who remain hidden, to hide from us will only result in blood... Let them begin" shouted the White haired man. His eyes a reflection of the cruelty that would be enforced on the people.

Howls filled the air as wolves sung their song of glory and vengeance. The beating they would face was more than just a lesson for other people, it was retribution for the wrong doings the wolves felt they had been dealt by humans.

The wolves in army like regalia began dragging people one by one towards the stage, where the amount of lashes they received were announced before the beating began. Neema felt stupid for telling them her actual age beforehand. If she knew this were going to happen she would have told them she was 16 and not her actual 22 years when they were asking everyone. Although she was only entitled to 6 lashes which was less than most she didn't want to have to endure the amount of pain she was surely to feel. The size of the men was testament to the force they would put behind each lash.

These wolves were cunning. Cunningly sick! They administrated each punishment separately so the direness and brutality of the situation would really sink in.

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