The Bond Knows No Bounds

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes

As the days progressed Neema became aware of one thing and one thing only, that to be safe among these wolves she had to be fearsome, a true threat.

Though she had won the fight against Lian and had gained the respect of Khan's den of wolves it still did not deduct from the fact that wolves outside of the pack were just as fierce and hated her just as much. She was a sewage dweller, a gutter rat and was firmly meant to be at the bottom of the hierarchy but her fight with Lian had progressed her to a higher position then the majority of the wolves within these compound walls could ever dream of being.

She was no longer a gutter rat she was then Luna to the future Regional Alpha, a direct descendant of the original Wolfen Brethren and all that self-important diatribe Khan constantly said.

Her position within the pack was strong but outside of Khan's den she was left vulnerable, Khan was not this compounds Alpha and so she had implored Carson to take her training. Though the wolf could do little to hep her train he knew where the rooms were and so she needed him, plus she hoped to help him.

The way the wolves spoke of Carson made the snide comments she received behind turned backs seem like child's play. His jaunts were face to face, there was no hiding, no secrecy about how they felt and the poor boy just took it on the chin.

At first Neema had been weary of him but the way Khan treated him with complete dismissal made her feel as if he was trustworthy, anybody who was on the wrong side of Khan could be a companion of hers. She also noticed how he watched Vanya whenever he came across her. He was interested in her little female so what way to ensure her safety then to befriend the wolf and to perhaps train him as well. He would be strong and if Vanya chose him she would be safe in the arms of a wolf who Neema hoped to trust.

"Carson, why don't you train? " argued Neema.

When the wolf merely shrugged his shoulders and continued staring off into space she felt it was her time to give him all the pros into why he should train. No female wanted a weak male especially a human who was of the weaker specie and she told him that exactly. At her words his ears perked up and his eyes flickered towards Vanya who was still years too young for him.

"I do not want to be embarrassed I am already laughed at why add more fuel to the fire." He mumbled self depreciatingly.

She understood that being a wolf of his kind was hard to endure, he came from a line of strong and ferocious wolves and yet he could barely form a fist to make a punch. His father paid him no mind, only to ensure that wolves did not make comments when he was around. Khan treated him disdainfully and his mother coddled him as if he would die from a human cold. It was hard being a wolf but not really being a wolf and his pity party only made him weaker. If he at least tried, then there would be less to condemn him for but as it stood he was wallowing in self pity and hate.

"Then don't, you have potential you should use it instead of wasting away and living under mummy and daddy's protection. Be a man, be a wolf." She grumbled as she stood up and marched off to find her siblings who frolicked about in Vanya's communal garden

Her words were harsh but it was necessary, she had to be mean to make him see how pathetic he had allowed himself to become. Once he realised that he would be on the true road to recovery.

"Have you been to the main kitchen yet?"

His voice shocked her, she did not think he would still want to be around her after the way she had spoken to him but here he was. His cheeks were ruddy with heat and his feet kicked at the grass as he waited for her reply.

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