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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.

The meal continued on after the incident as if nothing strange had happened but Neema was still left reeling, she could not believe that Victus had dared to look at her that way especially with her mate in the room. Nor could she believe that khan had reacted in such a way, because of his reaction no one dared to speak to her, they avoided her like she was the plague. She had not been winning any popularity contests before the incident but now it was as if she was a dead rat in the hall, in fact the rat would probably get more attention then she was.

The meal had been finished for her long after the first course but khan continued to force her to eat, his arm was no longer around her shoulder but forking the next mouthful of food into her mouth. His hazel eyes bore into her and dared her to challenge him, to reject him. He was too wild tonight, there would be no more controlling himself and Neema knew it so she slowly chewed and swallowed the food even though she felt as if she would be sick.

Every swallow brought Khan a modicum of happiness she could see it in the way his eyes glistened, then he would look at her collarbone and decide she needed more food. Everyone had finished eating the main course but their meals had not been taken away because Khan was not finished feeding his mate even though she was finished eating.

Some of the wolves picked at their food in boredom even though they had lost interest with their current meal, the way they ate disgusted her. They had been served at least three meals so far and not one wolf had finished their whole plate but they still looked for the door for more food. They were so glutinous it made her sick, there were humans who were dying for food and these wolves barely ate a mouthful off their plate before they decided it was time for the next course.

A clanging of the broken door had Khan dropping his fork as he stared at the intruder with such fire in his eyes, poor Sahina squawked like a bird and made some flapping gesture that nearly had Neema crying with laughter. It was clear that the female was in distress and that she needed Neema or Khans attention. Motioning her over she went to Neema first and bent closely to her ear and whispered the urgent news, not realising that her whisper was not as quiet as she thought.

"Her siblings are in the nursery one of the staff will console Jana" declared Khan, seemingly unbothered by Sahina's news.

"uhh umm, alpha Khan sir, the children were moved to an adjoining room" mumbled Sahina cautiously as she looked to Neema with wide eyes but Neema had already begun leaving the room.

Her chair scrapped across the floor as she abruptly stood up and marched across the room in determination, her siblings needed her and she needed them. They would always be her number one priority and it was time that Khan understood what family really meant, what it meant to her. Before she could even make it past the threshold of the door khan's thick fingers were pulling at the back of her neck and forcing her body to his back, the heavy thud agitating the fresh scars on her back. In her determination she had completely forgot about his existence, his approval was something she had not sought to get.

"I ordered them to stay in the nursery Neema, so unless you have disobeyed me they should still be there" his calm voice husked in her ear. The deep baritone of his voice causing shivers to travel down her spine in arousal and fear.

Clenching his fingers around her neck he asked the crucial question.

"You wouldn't disobey me Neema, would you?"

His voice stated that he already knew the answer, Neema had dismissed his warning the other night and moved her siblings against his request. Her moving them was not a big issue but by doing so she had directly disobeyed his rule, contradicted his commands and that was a problem. He could not be challenged or disobeyed a second time tonight, he was feeling to wild to control the beast that he really was. That male had wanted his female, that woman had challenged him and now Neema had dismissed his commands, it was too much. At the back of his mind he remembered her telling him she would be moving them but it was still too much, he felt the fire boiling through his body and his heart beat accelerating.

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