Middle Ground

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This has been edited but there may still be mistakes.


"What the hell was that Khan, you couldn't even warn me! And then you tried to kill Victus." His grunt was the only reply she got as his muscles tensed in anticipation of another battle.

"I did not try," he looked insulted at the idea that he could ever fail in killing a human. His thick brows furrowing as the scar across his cheek tightened with the scowl.

"Well whatever it was he didn't deserve it, he didn't challenge you, you had no right to do that! I want to see him," her voice was climbing in timber as she tried and failed to control her anger.

What she had been subjected to this night was worse than anything she had ever seen, the humans had been brutalised viciously. There was no fairness to their deaths and decapitations. It had been like throwing an axe to a baby and expecting them to defend themselves, they were more likely to harm themselves than any opponent. These beasts were inhumane and then wondered why humans felt the need to form The Verum Resentiam. Inequality only bred violence and Violence only bred more. It was a vicious circle.

"Khan, are you listening? Khan," she was on the brink of crying, her frustration was mounting higher and higher the more Khan dismissed her. Her fears were real and she needed reassurance, if only to see Victus was alive for a second. She needed to know he would be okay.

"Not now Neema, I am this close to marching out of this room and tearing that male limb from limb. He is not your male, I am," his body shuddered with repulsion at the thought. Fists pounding as he thumped along his chest for emphasis, there would be no negotiating with him

Eyes rolling to the sky Neema sighed out, "khan" his name falling softly from her mouth.

"I said enough. I am tired of talking about some weak human male. You owe me. Why don't we discuss that, hmm," his eyes glimmering with interest as he folded his arms and slunk his body across the wall.

It was too late to discuss the terms he wanted and get her agreement but she wanted it over and done with, she would hear his terms but give no definite answer, "There wont be a carte blanche, I wanna hear your terms," she reluctantly grumbled out, her posture mimicking his.

His brows shot skyward, his eyes widening in shock as he questioned her, "How did you learn that phrase."

"The same way the resistance learnt Latin, I read," Khan looked as if the idea that sewage dwellers were so well educated had never crossed his mind, though many were not Neema came from a family who had tried to instil that value within each child. It was something she had initially struggled to do with her siblings but she was making amends.

Neema was proving to him time and time again that she was more than just a pretty face. She was a provider, a fighter and now an educated female, a combination that was rare to come by. She was constantly surprising him. She was like no human he had ever met and he needed to remember that every time he interacted with her. His mate was smarter and fiercer than most.

"Hmmm," he hummed distractedly, plucking at his beard as he thought through his terms, "I want your undivided time, not those forced 2 hours but real intimacy where you to want to be with me."

Though his terms were better than she had anticipated they were still unrealistic, especially when Khan had only ever given her hardship. To her siblings he was loving. He took on the role of father with them, teaching them and playing with them but providing them with discipline when they needed it.

With her though he was different, he was either dismissive or cruel, he either ignored her existence or took perverse pleasure in taunting her. They hardly had any moments when she could say she genuinely enjoyed his company, for a second or two he was amicable maybe even nice but then he was back to his brutish ways. There was no middle ground with Khan.

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